Pet Products: Where do you shop?

Okay, so this week I am doing something different–asking for your input and opinions.

Yes, I will be posting all comments next week so you can get a gander then.

Today I want to know more about where you get your pet supplies.

There is a method to my madness–I promise.

This poll will close in a week so be sure to chime in now!


  1. I shop primarily at 2 different local pet stores. Both have multiple locations, but they are not national chains. I recently started buying food online though.

    I heard PetSmart starting getting better food, but since one of their store managers kicked me out for wearing a t-shirt with my company’s logo on it, I wouldn’t be caught dead in one.

  2. I think your survey would be more accurate if we could select multiple options. 🙂

    I do a lot of shopping with our local feed store, as well as with large chains (tractor supply co., petsmart, petco).

    I also buy online from big retailers (state line tack, petsmart, etc.) as well as smaller businesses and small mom and pop type operations.


  3. LOL I didn’t allow multiple options for a reason. It makes people pick the primary source–but you are right. Most people buy from multiple locations. I tend to be the mom and pop type of gal and seek small specialty pet stores and feed stores before I will give a national chain my money. I want to support the professionals and not the large corporate models.

  4. Thanks for chiming in Eric. I like the small pet store model also. Wow, strange to hear about the PetSmart but I am guessing they felt your DT biz was a threat. I have been in a big box pet store only about 3-6 times total–just to scope it out.


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