Dog potty training has changed over the years. Today paper training puppies is obsolete! This is because indoor dog toilet training systems are a new solution to an age-old problem since they allow dogs to take bathroom breaks when a walk is delayed or impossible due to bad weather or unsafe surroundings.
When maintained correctly, they can be healthier (no exposure to disease or parasites), and odorless. Apartment dwellers and senior citizens will find this type of dog and puppy potty training aid of great value–and if you are into recreational vehicles or boating they can be a great addition to your pet travel kit.
When I first took a close look at the systems I thought of my clients who dig pathways in the snow in order to get their small dogs to toilet outside. It just might make their lives easier. Many of you probably heard about the recent mountain lion attacks on pet dogs and may be worried about predators. These indoor pet toileting systems offer a safe solution to outdoor potty trips.
Since these systems can be used both inside and outside, they are perfect for homes, condos, patios, recreational vehicles, apartments, and commercial facilities. For some, the only challenge will be the initial investment. Indoor dog house training systems can vary but most usually start at about $150 and go up to nearly $800. The exception to this is the WizDog which sells for about $40, the UGODOG Indoor Dog Potty, and the ClearQuest Puppy Wee Wee Training Pad Holder.
The PupHead The PupHead is currently #1 in #2. I met Theresa (the woman who came up with the product) recently and her goals are to make products that work for the dogs–and their people. The special antimicrobial blend in the grass helps fight odors, which in turn creates a safer, cleaner environment for the pets. The weaved style back also provides for instant drainage. This helps fight odors and so provides a safer, cleaner environment for the pets who use it.
A new addition to the line is the Pup-Pad.™ Made with Microfine fibers and antimicrobial technology, these are absorbent, odor-controlling pads (18” x 28”) quickly absorbs and holds liquid. There is an antimicrobial agent in the fabric to eliminates odors and it is reusable and guaranteed for 300 washes.
Pup-Head is very low and almost level with the ground. It also comes with an attractant scent to make it irresistible to dogs. Pup-Head is easy to clean and weighs less than 5 lbs. Replacement pads or grass will last the lifetime of the product during normal use and it is a perfect solution for boating enthusiasts with dogs.
I recommend the Pup-Head and you can Order the Pup Head Portable Dog Potty Now.
The Throne The Throne by Royal Hound is made of industrial-strength fiberglass and comes with a grate and easily removable polyurethane catch tray within its sturdy UV-stabilized ABS frame that is resistant to fluids, chemicals, fading, cracking and yellowing. This product comes with a thick, lush, easy-to-clean synthetic grass designed so that waist immediately runs through to the tray below (the tray pulls out for easy cleaning). Replacement grass is sold separately. The Throne is almond color and comes in multiple sizes (Joker 22”x27”x7”, Queen 34”x34”x7”, and King 40”x50”x7”) to accommodate up to 200 lbs.
The Pet Loo The Pet Loo was launched in Australia in 2006. Under the grass is a slanted ramp with grooves to direct drainage of the urine into the removable tray in the bottom of the unit. The grass lifts off for easy cleaning.
One complaint was that the “grass” was very poor quality and the synthetic grass was tied with pieces of plastic that shredded easily. Another tester said that they still use it after potty training their pet since they live in a high crime area where it isn’t safe to go out at night. Order the Pet Loo.
The Pet-A-Potty One of the earliest systems on the market this product is made of virgin polyvinyl material and is easy to clean. The material is guaranteed not to rot, rust, warp, or discolor and is designed for dogs up to 100 pounds. The purchase includes a drainage system and concealed trap pan for easy, safe and sanitary clean up but one buyer said it did not come with the grass and felt he was deceived by the cheap construction.
However, there is an upgraded product now on the market. Order the PETaPOTTY and PETaPOTTY Dog Sod
The Pet Potty Another system on the market is a dog toilet box that hooks into your sewage system. You can placed it inside the home and then things just go down the drain. It is easy to flush because the water and the flush button are on the wall at hand level. Learn more about The Pet Potty.
WizDog The Wiz Dog System is simple–a durable plastic pan and fitted grate. The liquid waste dispenses through the grate onto newspaper or pee pad, separated from your dog’s paws but the solid waste stays on top of the grate so you never have to touch it. Just flip the grate and be done with it.
WizDog consists of an industrial grade polyethylene plastic tray and a fitted honeycomb grate (3/8″ deep) and measures 21″ X 28″ (elimination space of 15.5″ X 23.5″). The WizDog was specifically designed to fit most daily newspapers but you can use WizPads or Wee Wee pads. A nice feature is that the pad/paper remains under the grate which prevents your dog or puppy from shredding it. The grate is easy to clean and unlike many dog litter box systems, WizDog does not require the purchase of litter refill or pads. Order WizDog Dog Litter Training System now.
Ugodog Dog Potty System The UGODOG was invented by Mikael Havluciyan, one of the founding members of Ugo Petcare LLC. It is another small family owned business interested in making the life of pet owners a bit easier and a bit less messier. Products such as this can help reduce the use of those non-ecofriendly puppy pads but I think most pup owners like them because they keep the wee wee pads and soiled materials from become a wadded mess like this. Fun for the puppy but not the pet owner! Order UGODOG Indoor Dog Potty
Male Dog Pheromone Training Aids If you are attempting to train a dog to toilet and he still lifts his leg, you can try using a pheromone pee stake or dog hydrant as an attractant. Most dogs lift their legs to mark territory so you shouldn’t have a problem with this inside the home UNLESS you have a territorial marking problem (in which case you need some professional help). Just place the product onto your dog potty of choice and you are set. Order Simple Solutions Pee Post Pheromone Stake or Order Pheromone Dog Fire Hydrant.
Puppy Pad Holder
This product is restrains the wee wee Pads without a grate. You simply put the pads in the device and the sides clamp it down securely. I really would like to see people go green and move away from using puppy urine pads. Order the ClearQuest puppy wee wee pad holder now.
Pet First Aid Kits & Book
This week I’ve been spending time on topics related to pet emergency preparedness. (Did you download the Animal Disaster Preparedness Guide yet?)
Today I am going to list pet emergency kits and other pet first aid books you might find of interest. This list is by no means exhaustive but if you do have a kit as suggested in the Animal Disaster Preparedness Guide–get one together and include a pet first aid kit.
Pet First Aid Kit contains the following items: Injury and Pain Treatment: 1 Instant Chemical Cold Pack 3 Antibiotic Ointments 3 Insect Sting Relief Pads 1 Hydrogen Peroxide Spray 2 oz. Bandages: 1 Tape Roll .5″ x 5 yards 1 Gauze Roll 2″ x 4.1 yds. 1 Gauze Roll 3″ x 4.1 yds 6 Sterile Gauze Dressings 2 x 2 (2 in one pack) 6 Sterile Gauze Dressings 4 x 4 (2 in one pack) 1 Heavy Trauma Pad 5″ x 9″ Cleansing Products: 2 Examination Gloves 9 Alcohol Prep Pads 9 Antiseptic Towelettes 3 Povidone Iodine 5 Cotton Tip Applicators 1 Sterile Eyewash 1 oz. Additional Supplies: 1 Pet First Aid Guide 1 Pair of Metal Scissors 1 Pair of Metal Tweezers 3″ 2 Splinter Removers.
Order the Deluxe Pet First Aid Kit
Pet First Aid Kit includes: (10) 5” X 8” Antiseptic Wipes (sting free), (1) 2” Gauze Roll Bandage (6) 2” X 2” Gauze Pads (3 two packs), (6) 3” X 3” Gauze Pads (3 two packs), (1) Flexible Cohesive Bandage, (1) 4oz. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, (2) Antibiotic Ointment Packs (1) Pair of Scissors, (1) .5 oz. Eye Wash (sterile), (1) Pet First Aid Guide, (2) Exam Gloves (Latex & Powder Free, (1) ½” First Aid Tape Roll, (1) Tweezers, (10) 3” Cotton Applicator Swabs (3) Sting Relief Pads, (1) Pet Information Label, (1) Doctor’s Bag Organized Case. Comes with (1) free mail in offer for styptic pencils included (less S & H).
Order Medibag 4petz First Aid Kit
Animal First Aid Kit includes: Instruction Booklet, Curved Syringe (Feed and apply medication), One Pair Latex Gloves, Eye Dropper, Iodine 4 oz, Syringe 1ml, Insect Sting Wipes, Cold Pack (5 x 7) ,Cotton Swabs, Hot Pack (5 inch X 7), Bottle Styptic Powder (3.5 gr), Eye Wash (4 oz), Digital Flexible Thermometer, Certalyte Tablets (4-Oral fluid replacement for electrolytes), Tweezers (4 inch), Tongue Depressors (2), Roll Coflex Self-adhesive Bandage(1″ x 5 yds), 2 Band-Aids (1 X 3), Scissors (5″), Blanket Wrap, Roll Gauze (4″ x 6 yds).
Order Deluxe First Aid Kit for Animals
The Bow Ow First Aid Kit has been on the market for several years along with a few other first aid kits for animals such as Me ow First Aid Kit and the Horse Aid Kit. Each kit comes with a book on pet first aid and is contained in a carrying case. Order Bow Ow Dog First Aid Kit
The American Kennel Club recently contracted with First-Aid USA to create a 50 piece pet first aid kit. The
AKC First Aid Kit contains: Antiseptic Povidone-lodine Prep Pad 4pc, Hand Sanitizer 4pc, Sting Relief Prep Pad 4pc, Alcohol Cleansing Pad 4pc, Scissors 1pc, Gloves (Latex Free) 2pc, Cotton Swabs/Plastic Applicator 8pc,
Gauze Roll (3 In x 96 In) 1pc, Instant Cold Compress (4 In x 5 In) 1pc, Sm. Gauze Dressing Pads (2 In x 2 In) 2pc, Lg. Gauze Dressing Pads (4 In x 4 In) 2pc, Self-Adhesive Wrap (2 In x 5 Yrd) 1pc, Thermal Foil Emergency Blanket (84 In x 52 In) 1pc, Tweezers w/Magnifying Glass 1pc, Hard Plastic Storage Case for Tweezers or Pills 1pc, Pill/Specimen Container 1pc, Med. Applicator 1pc, Pet Waste Bags 4pc, Waterproof Plastic Container 1pc, Emergency Lead w/Reflective Tape (47 In) 1pc, Emergency ID Collar (30 In) Writable 1pc, Waterproof Information Card 1pc, Waterproof ID Tag w/Split Ring 1pc, Collapsible Waterproof Bowl 1pc, Multi-Function Travel Bag 1pc.
First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats was published by Rodale in 2001 and covers every thing from minor first aid to life saving interventions. It’s organized so that you can find what you need quickly. The book also contains and A-to-Z guide to more than 150 common and not-so-common injuries and conditions.
Inside you will find:
Order First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats