Thanksgiving Day Pet Safety Tips

Once again it is time for the reminders about Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Pets.

Every year veterinary clinics flood with emergencies because of a lack of understanding and lack of safety preparations for pets.

So I want to remind you that there can be deadly consequences for animals during the holidays.

Holiday threats to animals not only include seasonal decorations, ornamental lighting, ingestion of inappropriate or toxic items, but also excessive consumption of rich foods or harmful food, burns from stoves or candle flames, and more.

Take the edge off with pet exercise.
Get your pet out for regularly scheduled activities but alter the feeding and exercise. Bump up the activity and give you pet a work out before the visitors arrive. Getting your pet out for a walk or taking time to get the pet to play will get rid of excessive energy and help your pet to be better behaved later in the day when company arrives.

Before you sit down to feast take away temptation–from both guests and pets.
If you feed pets before the guests arrive you reduce the temptation for begging and stealing.

Keeping the regular pet feeding schedule is fine but you might want to divide the portion up so you can feed the pets right before the human meal.

Let visitors know that feeding table scraps to your dog or cat can cause him or her unwanted abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea–not exactly appetizing images but it gets the point across.

Put out approved dog or cat treats around the rooms where you entertain.
While you do that, discourage snack feeding of human tidbits by warning that food high in sodium such as peanuts and chips or other fatty foods (like poultry skin or fat) can cause the inflammation of the pancreas. (Pancreatitis is potentially life-threatening condition.)

Make sure your guests know that you want them to keep the pet rules and discourage them from feeding critters scraps from the table.

Provide a private refuge for pets.
Some people will ignore your directives and the best approach may be to make sure any animal has a private refuge and is occupied with a chewy or playmates.

You can also use a pet gate or play pen to house the pet nearby during the big meal.

Avoid trashy behavior.
Once the table is cleared, make sure pets cannot get to scraps or bones.

Preventative safety measures are the best strategies–so keep the kitchen off limits when you are preparing food and store leftover food out of reach and in tightly closed containers after the meal.

Next, make sure garbage cans are secured to keep critters out so they are safe from e-coli and unable to chew on leftovers wrapped or sticking onto tinfoil, plastic, or wax paper.

You can also rig up some pet deterrents around off limit counters and trash cans such as Scarecrow Pet Deterrent Spray or SSSCat.

What else can you do?
Pet households should consider providing appropriate chew toys or food occupation devices for pets during the holiday activities.

The Kong Company produces great products and there is a KongTime Toy Dispenser that keeps dogs occupied–which is purr-fect.

For cats look for the Premier Twist and Treat or other toys that provide similar activity.

The investment and preparation can insure that you and your pets have a happy and healthy holiday.

Finally, just in case you have a problem, it never hurts to keep your emergency vet clinic or veterinary hospital number handy.

You never know when you will encounter a disaster during holiday festivities.

The biggest hazards to pets on Thanksgiving include:
-Rich, fatty foods (turkey skins, gravy, etc,) can contribute to pancreatitis. This gland inflammation is painful and can be serious-requiring emergency veterinary assistance.

-Cooked bones can splinter and cause tears or obstruction in a pet’s digestive tract. Brittle, bone splinters pose risk to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

-Baking strings, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and wax paper can cause intestinal obstructions and can create trouble if ingested by your pet.

-Onions in holiday stuffing can lead to canine anemia if consumed by your dog.

-The toxins from grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in pets.

-Ingesting chocolate (contains theobromine) can also cause seizures or kill your pet.

-Don’t forget that caffeine and alcohol are also toxic for pets.

Finally, have a Happy Thanksgiving–and a safe one!

Hiking Hounds: Hitting the Trail

Above: My hiking partner Shadow.

Although I’ve written about hiking with dogs before, the fall weather is perfect for hiking. There are even classes that teach people how to go hiking with their dogs.

Just like people, dogs need to acclimate to the high altitude and so it is important to gauge your canine companions fitness and also closely monitor your pup when out on the trail.

There are other hazards but the reason I like the fall and early spring is because the risks are somewhat reduced in my area during these times.

For instance, snakes are less prominent when the weather cools down but it is always a good idea to keep pets out of the bushes and from investigating under boulders to avoid snake bites.

Hazards such as foxtails and other spiky seeds that can lodge in paws, into the skin, or pet orifices are greatly reduced this time of year.

Other annoyances such as ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests can pose hazards to a pet’s health but the good news is that when the cold weather hits most of the other bugs disappear.

Since more people are hitting the trail with their canine companions there is an increasing need for pet products to help pet parents prepare to hike, fish, or camp with their animals.

I thought I’d discuss a few items you should have in your outdoor trip kit for your pet but you might want to also check out the book, Best Hikes With Dogs: Southern California or some of the other books for places to hike with dogs. If you are looking for tips, try this publication called Hiking With Your Dog: What You Really Need to Know When Taking Your Dog Hiking or Backpacking.

Leash & ID Tags
One of the most important is a leash. This helps keep them from being lured off the trail by predators and for venturing too close to the edge of cliffs. You can get this nifty Dog Leash & Waist Pack which is also great for walking or jogging.

Make sure your dog’s ID tags are current and use a temporary one when hiking with the numbers of friends or the accommodations where you are staying.

Also carry a current photo of your dog just in case.

Dog Saddle Packs
Dogs can carry their own supplies in a backpack. As a general rule, dog packs should be no heavier than 20 percent of the dog’s body weight. There are a of variety of Dog Back Packs to chose from.

Poop Bags
You should still pack out pet poop or bury feces. Because people often are ignorant of this rule, many wild animals suffer from diseases because they were passed to the population by dogs or cats.

Water Containers (& Water)
The atmosphere at high altitude is drier and so it is important to keep your animal hydrated. Collapsible bowls are light but there are also new water bottles with drop down drinking cups. You can also get a special top for your pet’s water bottle so the dog can drink water directly from it. Check out some of the other travel dog water dispensers.

Dogs do not have sweat glands so frequent rest stops are a good idea to allow the dog’s paw pads to cool and to let the dog pant to bring down it’s body temperature and prevent heat stroke.

It is best to carry water for your pet since streams and ponds can have harmful bacteria such as giradia.

Dog Boots
Clipping toenails and the fur between the toes is one preparation but dog boots help prevent paw injury and tears when traversing over rough terrain. In the winter they help prevent the accumulation of ice balls and keep the paws warmer.

First Aid Kits & First Aid Books
I wrote about first aid kits and they are a good idea on the trail. Make sure you also have the manual to go with it.

Pet Insect Repellent is specially made for pets and helps to keep black flies, mosquitoes, and other pests away from your critter. Don’t use human products on your pet because the ingredients can be toxic.

Reflective Vests are a great idea when you are in hunting areas. Bandanas or cooling collars can help keep dogs cool in the summer while sweaters or dog jackets help during colder weather.

Bear Safety Hiking Bells
If you are hiking in bear country bells are a good idea. It lets you know where the dog is and help to deter predators.

I hope you found this series useful. If you have any tips or products to add please leave a comment below.