Traveling with pets can be hazardous without the right preparations as I have noted before in Canine Car Ride Crimes.
If you are traveling and don’t have your pet properly secured in the vehicle your pet could be injured in a variety of ways.
Dangers include broken bones when a pet gets hit by a deployed airbag, injuries from being thrown through the windshield of the car, falling out a window into traffic, or ending up with severe road burn injuries when he or she jumps out of a truck bed when not properly secured.
To keep you pet safe while traveling in a vehicle they should always be secured in a carrier, Pickup Truck TieOut, seat belt, or similar device such as a Car Harness.
It is important that the dog be secured so that it can’t jump off the seat. If you have problems securing your pet safely consider using a crate.
Soft Crates are becoming more popular since they are easier for some people to manage and can be stored easily upon arrival.
I am still a fan of the airline approved crates since they also provide some sort of protection in the event of an accident but you choose from a variety of Assorted Travel Crates.
It is also a good idea to make sure that pets have an ID tag on with emergency numbers in the event a pet escapes or gets lost. Temporary tags with the number of the hotel or home where you will be staying are a must.
Personally I think having an emergency number of a friend, in addition to your cell phone, is important.
My pets all had their own travel kits that included seat belts, treats, toys, food, bowls, etc. Today you can find Pet Travel Kits for almost every taste.
When traveling with a pet don’t leave water in the cup inside the crate because your pet will end up wet and chilled.
It doesn’t hurt the pet to go without food or water in the crate when you are driving. The better idea is to offer water when you stop for a rest or potty break. You can also drop in an ice cube for the pet to lick.
If you are traveling by plane you will find some valuable information in my previous article about Airline Pet Travel Safety Tips but a Wheel Away Pet Carrier would be a great item to have for your pet. However you can find also select from a variety of Pet Stollers, Roller Backpacks, and Pet Totes.
You’ll be happy to know that a new pet airlines will be launching in the Spring or Summer of 2009.
I’ll write more on Pet Airways soon because I think it is a great idea to have pets fly inside the cabin instead of in the cargo area.
If you need some more information, Pet Flight has compliled specific airline rules for pet shipping and travel PLUS provides airport pet potty locations.
How Many Dogs Are Too Many?
Personally I think it is a bad idea.
But this brings up a good point–just how many dogs (or pets) are too many?
There are a lot of opinions on this topic but from a behavioral perspective there are a few considerations to ponder.
First, there are laws on the books concerning how many dogs you can legally have per parcel or residence.
In this area it is three–and my neighbor already has reached this limit so adding an additional pet would be a violation of the local ordinance.
Next, you have to consider how much attention you can give to each pet. The more animals you have the less attention they individually receive from you.
There are also dynamics between the animals that come into play. The average pet owner incorrectly interferes with this.
Many times the hierarchical structure between the animals isn’t recognized correctly by the pet owner and so can escalate issues between dogs.
For instance, a new puppy gets lots of attention but when owners incorrectly interfere with the older dogs who are reprimanding, or warning, the puppy when she gets out of hand or too rough it creates stress in all the dogs.
There are a variety of other answers to this question but I need to mention that I see more serious behavior issues when there are more than three dogs.
You can see it building.
For instance, one of my past clients began rescuing dogs and when she got up to five she hit the boiling point. I warned her that she was dancing on the edge of disaster.
She ignored me (free will and all) and then began experiencing serious dog fights. This could have been prevented by limiting the animals within the household.
Many professionals can maintain large groups of animals–but they are not the average pet owners and many also have trouble at one time or another.
Most also have staff or volunteers to help manage the critters!
When you have more than one or two animals the work load increases.
Personally, I think it is more humane to maintain less animals in your home and fill the need to nurture by getting involved in volunteering for animal rescue groups or shelters.
So my answer?
Less is more enjoyable and healthier when it comes to the mental and physical health of animals within one household.
Ultimately you must decide how many critters you can manage. It will often depend on your personal household situation, amount of free time, financial constraints, and a lot more.
When all else fails, take a look at the local laws of how many critters you can have and stay below the limit.