Disaster Diaries

Another major oil spill disaster has finally happened.

We knew it would…and there is no excuse for it.

The need to move beyond dependency on an industry that is creating a lot of hazards on health and that is detrimental to the environment keeps getting pushed off.

Did I mention the devastation on the livelihood of those dependent on the sea–and the horrible impacts on wildlife?

Norway and Brazil require the use of a remote control shutoff switch that averts disaster–but from what I read, BP declined spending the half million to have that installed.

It should not be an option in my opinion but it is not required on US offshore rigs and I want to know why.

I thought this commentary on the BP oil spill did a fine job in discussing the matter. The Wall Street Journal also did an article and you’ll be glad to know that there has been a call to investigate why the US Minerals Management Service (MMS) didn’t require use of the remote shutoff switch.

In the meantime, endangered wildlife and habitats are facing more threats.

I notice Dawn running their wildlife ads immediately after the news began to gain heavy coverage.

The product has been used for oil spill cleanup previously and many rescue agencies use it. (Unfortunately, people think it is good for use to eliminate fleas on pets but Dawn is too harsh.)

While some of the pet and animal rescue groups will probably focus on the flooding, oil spill disasters are even more specialized.

Once animal rescue crews begin work you’ll probably find an assortment of disaster diaries online.

In the meantime, you can find a listing of oiled wildlife specialty groups to support here.

So far a marine animal rescue agency, Tri-State Bird Rescue, Oiled Wildlife Care Network, International Bird Rescue Research Center, and a few others are involved.

If you want to learn or teach more about this issue, Nat Geo’s Xpeditions lesson for grades 3-5  is here.

  • Anyone interested in helping must contact the BP Community Support Team Hotline at 1-866-448-5816. (You’ll reach a voice mail system so be ready to leave a message with your contact information.)
  • If you find or encounter animals affected by the oil spill phone this emergency wildlife oil spill hotline: 1-866-557-1401. Be ready to provide the type of animal(s), how many, the date and time seen, their location, and any other observations about the animal or its behavior.

If you want the latest you can visit the Deepwater Horizon Response website, the oiled wildife care network blog, or join to follow on Facebook Deepwater Horizon Response, or the Facebook oiled wildlife rescue volunteers, and the Facebook oiled wildlife care network.

My request to you? Download the animal disaster preparedness guide–it is free to subscribers.

EPA Flea Treatment Investigation News (Video)