Natural Pet Food Safety: Audio File & Script

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Welcome to Ark Animals Answers!

Today’s Critter Chat concerns the human risk of salmonella from feeding Natural Pet Treats & Raw Food Diets

So, what are natural pet treats & raw food diets & just how concerned do you need to be?

Natural pet products include a variety of raw, dried or smoked items made from animals. Animal treats include ears, hooves, hides and hearts from a number of species.

Recently, three human illnesses were caused by Salmonella bacteria linked to natural treats. The Public Health Agency of Canada is advising people who give their pets natural treats and/or raw food diets to use caution.

In my thirty plus years with animals, I’ve handled both raw foods and natural pet treats without a problem. The key is to make sure that you wash your hands with warm water and soap after handling the foods and treats.

This is animal behaviorist, Diana L. Guerrero inviting you to take an armchair safari into the animal kingdom at Thanks for joining me for today’s Ark Animal Answers and feel free to contact me with your questions.

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