Help Name a Baby Beluga

Above: Video of Baby Beluga Birth at Shedd Aquarium

Want to help name a baby beluga whale?

If that appeals to you, the Shedd Aquarium has partnered with ABC 7 and the Daily Herald and holding a contest to help choose a name for the male baby beluga calf.

You can head over to take a look at Shedd Aquarium’s beluga calf blog to  learn about his personality and adventures and choose from 10 suggested Inuit names.

To vote for the baby beluga name you like the best, visit ABC 7, register, and then vote for your favorite baby beluga. (The contest began on May 24, 2010 and runs through Sunday, June 6, 2010.)

The winning Inuit name will be announced on Monday, June 14, 2010 which will be the calf’s six month life celebration.

If you take the time to vote for the calf’s name, you’ll also be entered to win a beluga encounter for two AND a Family VIP Experience at Shedd.

Shedd Aquarium has also put up a two-for-one coupon so locals (or visitors) can visit the calf to identify the name that fits him best.

Shedd Aquarium has also uploaded an origami beluga calf template (PDF). Just print it, cut it, and fold along the dashed lines.

To participate further, you can share your favorite beluga baby story or draw a picture to win some fun prizes.

Shedd invites you to also give a gift in the beluga virtual baby shower to help provide the calf with enriching, whale safe play items.

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