Armchair Safari Video Audition on Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)

armchair safari video audition submitted on oprah winfrey network (own)

Above: Image of the Armchair Safari Video Audition for Oprah Winfrey Network OWN

The Armchair Safari video audition I wrote about and planned to submit to the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) as part of the contest they are having is up.

OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) is seeking someone for a new show on their network scheduled to launch in January of 2011.

It took hours to finish the Armchair Safari video audition and submit because we needed to do some final edits to get the screenshot we wanted BUT what really took a lot of time was the long questionnaire of very interesting questions.

Now, it is easy to miss certain things when submitting a video audition to the Oprah Winfrey Network and since I have a couple of friends who have entered, I’ve been able to alert them to some of the hiccups they might encounter.

For instance, you have to use their music clips and get location and appearance releases for everyone involved in the project.

Also, I tried to create a short link for easy access but OWN disables them pretty quickly so that you have to use the long URL or just the OWN website link.

Some of my fans were not happy to see only 30 votes so far–but it has only been posted about three hours.

Lots of the videos have been up for ages with very high voting numbers but my goal is not only to get some good numbers of votes but to also attract the attention of the production team.

If you want to watch the video audition and vote, you can just pop over, watch the video, and click the green button that says, “vote” on your left, just under the Armchair Safari Video Audition.

You don’t need an account to do so and can vote every day–which I hope you will do.

However, if you want to leave a comment you will have to sign up.

I hope you’ll pop over to vote every day, email your friends or use social media or your blog to help out on this project–in any case it should be fun!

Ark Lady Ponders the Oprah Winfrey Network

ark lady oprah winfrey network OWN

In mid-May I got an email that informed me that OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network, was accepting audition videos for the television network scheduled to launch in early 2011.

At the time I was not feeling too well but watched as more and more people began loading their video auditions in the hopes to win a show on the network.

There have been some great auditions and some wonderful ideas including those submitted by some of my pals.

This last two weeks I’ve been busy shooting some clips for an audition. Nothing fancy but I am focusing on what I might bring to a global audience and to the production team–with a list of topic ideas.

One of my dreams since before I embarked on my career with animals has always been to be a global animal ambassador to help people develop animal connections and a better understanding of the issues facing both wild and domestic animals.

So, although it might be a long shot but I am going to throw my hat in the ring–which is why I’ve been so scarce on the blog the last week or so.

My hope is that you will take time to vote for my video (which I will post a link to shortly since it is not up yet).

Although I have a number of ideas, I am not attached to any one type of show, format, or time slot and can relocate in a minute if needed.

Oprah has been on my vision board for a couple of years so it will be interesting to see what happens.

If nothing else, it will be good exposure to some of her producers and other production crew members.

Finally, it has also given me some ideas for some videocasting.

Anyway, just thought I would explain what was happening.

If you are on my email list you already received a personal note and I am so touched by how many of you wrote back saying that you would support me with your votes.

I’ll be sending out another email with details once the video is posted and if you want daily reminders (you can vote daily), please join me on Twitter or Facebook.