Hurricane Katrina American Zoo & Aquarium Update

New Orleans

The staff members at each of the three Audubon Nature Institute facilities are in good spirits. Each of the facilities has received additional supplies this week, which has been a real morale booster. The staff is overwhelmed at the outpouring of support from their AZA colleagues and the public. They are particularly touched by the national fundraising initiative being coordinated by Lincoln Park Zoo.

Audubon Aquarium of the Americas
While the aquarium survived Hurricane Katrina relatively unscathed, its life support system did not; most of the animals in its aquatic exhibits were lost. However, the sea otters, penguins, macaws and raptors, leafy and weedy sea dragons, some fishes, and Midas, a 250 lb. green sea turtle all survived thanks to the care of staff who remained at the aquarium through the hurricane, flooding and civil unrest.

The Aquarium will be relocating the surviving animals from its marine life collection to four colleague institutions in Monterey, California; and Dallas, Galveston, and Houston, Texas. The Aquarium is hosting a press event on Friday, September 9 at noon.

Audubon Zoo
The zoo has been resupplied with water, food for animals and humans, and fuel for generators. They are still in good spirits, albeit tired. A change of staff relieved the main Hurricane Team.

Audubon Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species
The staff and animals at ACRES are doing well.

Outside of New Orleans

BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo
Baton Rouge, LA
BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo re-opened on September 1. Most of clean-up has been completed and power is back on. A baby zebra was just born!

Alexandria Zoo
Alexandria, LA
The Alexandria Zoo has resumed normal operations. No loss of animals.

Jackson Zoo
Jackson, MS
The Jackson Zoo has resumed normal operation. There was no loss in the animal collection and no major damage to any of the exhibit areas.

Birmingham Zoo
Birmingham, Al
The Birmingham Zoo has resumed normal operations. No loss of animals.

Miami Metrozoo
Miami, FL
Miami Metrozoo reopened as planned on Saturday, September 3rd. They are continuing clean-up in the non-public areaa and are doing very well. No animal loss reported.

Montgomery Zoo
Montgomery, AL
The Montgomery Zoo has resumed normal operations. No loss of animals.

Gulf Breeze, FL
The ZOO reports only minor damage and no loss of animals.