Humane Easter Tips, Blessing of the Animals, Easter Pet Safety Tips, & More.

I must have spring fever or something. My mind is muddled and I am behind on lots of projects because of the relaunch of this site. Ark Animals has been on the web since 1995 and so it has seen a few upgrades. Personally, I look forward to being able to hand off the management to someone else–but I am particular about a few things and so now that the blog has been moved here and the site has been upgraded to the new look–hopefully this will last.

But I already see things I’d change…my solution? Head to the creek!

I like to take a midday break and have been heading over to Grout Creek daily to enjoy the rush of water as it makes it way down to Big Bear Lake.

Shadow, my hiking canine companion likes her auntie (me) because I take her on lots of adventures. I had to convince her that going into the creek was a good thing. She was more enthusiastic about our creekside hikes when the snow was knee deep but I finally got her into the water.

The creek bed is lined with soot from the wildfires of 2007 and fire debris lines the banks of Grout Creek. The creek changes on a daily basis and is fast evaporating with the unseasonably warm weather. I doubt it will last much past two weeks. One of the waterfalls up the road dried up and the brook that runs down the street (aptly named Brookside) is gone.

However, I hear another storm is nearing. Normally March is our heaviest snow fall month but we had some great storms this year and I am guessing this next one might be the last.

Spring snow is great because it is light and melts fast. By this time of year the big prediction of spring has nothing to do with the equinox but rather the rate at which everyone whines about additional snow. Locals are over the shoveling, icy roads, crazy drivers, and cost of fuel to heat the mountain cabins…which are cute but usually older and poorly insulated.

This time of year we fluctuate between warm sun and freezing breezes. It is warm in the sun but short sleeves or non-layered clothing gets you chilled. Yesterday was no exception. I did layer but I mistaken thought short sleeves were in order. Ugh. At least I always carry layers in the car!

This week the trout are attempting to go up the creek and if you look closely at the picture you can see them under the rapids. The trout have a tendency to want to spawn–and yes, the birds and the bugs are going crazy, too. The bird choir erupts at dawn and I can hear the waterfowl and other avian clan members chirping it up all day.

Anyway, trout sensible head into the rapids when they catch movement or shadow anywhere in the vicinity. There is a great blue heron that perches near the top of Grout Creek early in the am in his quest for a fish breakfast. Yuck…but our local marina captain thinks it is great to have trout with his eggs–so what do I know?

I got a really good eye view of bird drama the other morning when two hawks were busily harassing each other. At first I thought it was a mating ritual but they were actually fighting over something. You can check out the sequence and my comments about the bird drama photos here.

It isn’t warm enough to put up my hammock but I am really looking forward to some outdoor time.

Anyway, my point on this ramble is to mention that this weekend is Easter. I’ll be heading over to the Olvera Street Blessing of the Animals this Saturday to celebrate animals…but once again it is time to mention that chocolate easter bunnies are better than live animal gifts and leave you with some easter pet safety tips.

I can’t believe that I still have to share that information after 30 years but TWO of our local pet businesses are advertising chicks and bunnies as easter gifts–ugh–and people wonder why I am taking my business in a new direction!

So, I’ll be soaking in the joyful event while Cardinal Mahony soaks everyone in return (if you don’t know what I am taking about visit my Blessing of the Animals blog).

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