G-O-D & D-O-G Song by Wendy Francisco (Video)

Over the years many people have said that d-o-g is God spelled backwards. Wendy Francisco has created this sweet little song about it and I thought you might like it!


  1. Love this Love this Love this

    Play it every few days and my sister and I send it back and forth to each other all the time!

    Thank you so much like I said LOVE IT!!!!!


  2. Glad you enjoy the song and thanks for stopping by.

  3. Well I’m the sister of Karen and yes we do send it back and forth every few days!!! My dog Nikita LOVES it!!! It’s a Happy, Feel Good Song, and catch myself singing it, and my husband whistling the tune… Gee do you think we are BIG FANS??!! LOVE IT!!!!! Glenys & Rob & Nikita Peace

  4. LOL glad to hear that you enjoy it and I am thrilled that you have visited. There are a lot of fun videos I have posted but let me know if you find any I have not heard about!

  5. jane in Oregon says

    You have no idea how this simple little message filled song has touched my whole family. I have 7 great-grandkids and they all love it. thanks for sharing your faith.

  6. Hi Jane, thanks for leaving a message. I am not the author of the song or video. You can click through on the video and leave them a message on their account.

  7. Judy from West Virginia says

    This was played in a class on the study of prayer. It is fantastic. When is the book coming out. Looked on Amazon to see if was already available. Want to give it to my grandchildren and great grandchildren. No matter how old they are it would be appropriate. Thank you for expressing this sentiment for all of us.

  8. No idea since the video was not done by us. You can Google Wendy Francisco and get the information from her.

  9. Jane from Oregon says

    You have no idea how this little offering has touched my heart. I’m glad God touched yours so you could be a blesasing to so many. Bless you dear.

  10. Thanks for stopping by Jane. Glad you enjoyed it.

  11. once again this is so beautiful true love
    did not work for this it just happens
    love it like i have said before and once again will now send on to my sister like she does to me

    tks again Karen

  12. Glad that you have so much fun passing it back and forth!