This media area contains ideas and links to commentary and/or press releases for seasonal and perennial/evergreen topics.
Feel free to contact our office for other topics or interviews and please check the breaking news area.
You might also consider visiting the Ark Animals Blog for additional ideas.
New Year Pet Safety Tips
New Year’s Resolutions & Pet Obesity
Mardi Paws
Feast Day of San Anonio de Abad
Is Punxsutawney Phil is in for a Rude Awakening on Groundhog Day?
Valentines Day Animal Lovers Quiz: Prefer Puppy Love or Pussycat Passion?
Spay Day USA
Fat Tuesday: Real Party Animals of Mardi Paws
National Pet Dental Health Month
Animal Academy Awards
Professional Pet Sitters Week
Is St Patrick’s Day Going to the Dogs?
Swallows Return
Easter Pet Safety
Humane Easter Hints
Olvera Street’s Blessing of the Animals
San Francisco Earthquake Anniversary: Animal Sixth Sense
Earth Day Every Day
Get Wild During Wildlife Week
LA Times Festival of Books
National Pet Month
May Day Precautions
National Pet Month
Hurricane Hints for Pets
National Animal Disaster Month
Is Your Pet A Blessing?
Holy Muttrimony & Beastly Wedding Trends
National Adopt-A-Cat Month
National Take Your Dog to Work Day (TYDTWD)
Book Expo America
July 4th Pet Safety Tips
Fourth of July: Safe & Sane Fireworks & Pets
National Parks Month
Pet Memorial Day: Flushing Fish is Passe
Tumpek Kandang
Banned Books Week
Blessing of the Animals Goes Global
New Trends: Laying on of the Paws
Blessing of the Animals
California Writers Week
Wolf Awareness Week
Halloween Pet Safety Tips
Alliance of Writers Anniversary
Thanksgiving Pet Precautions
Holiday Significance of Animals
Winter Holiday Pet Safety Tips
Going Green with Animal Safe Antifreeze
Humane Holiday Hints & Tips
Hanukkah Pet Precautions
Christmas Pet Safety Tips