Diana L. Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks: February 2008

Volume 6, Number 2
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Online: http://www.guerreroink.com
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
February News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Critter Chronicles
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Wow, this year is zipping by. Another eye blink and it will
be March.

We are in the process of moving the arkanimals.com blog and
website. My current host has not been in contact with me and
there have been several problems. The new look will be
similar to the blog and I believe we are moving the blog to
the index page…final decision is still pending.

This is a big project so I appreciate your patience. In
addition, we are moving all my other websites over to the
new host—seven more to be exact.

Outside it is stormy. The wind is howling and the snain
(snow and rain) is falling sideways. The snow is piled up
at my door and my windows are getting bombarded with
pellets. So, I can’t see out my window because the ice
and snain is so bad. Not a sign of any wildlife today

We love it. The trees love it. The animals love it. Can’t
wait to get out and hike once it stops!

The big concern this week was the local dogs who were
venturing out onto the ice. If you live or visit the
southern California Mountains, please be sure to keep your
animals and yourself off the ice. The temperatures are too
unstable to form a real solid ice pack and those who
venture onto the ice fall through—the lucky ones survive
the hypothermia.

Until next month—stay warm!
2. Discussion for the Month
Just so you know, I turned down the opportunity with the
prominent paper. Although it might have benefited me with
new readers and a larger audience, they wanted a “citizen
journalist” which translates into “they didn’t want to
pay” someone for the work.

Since I have several community service projects and write
for free in those, I decided to decline. I might have
considered it if they let me monetize or work with
affiliates—or even accept review products and books but
since they didn’t—not worth my while.

Which brings me to this point—I’ll be calling on you
for some help in the near future. There is something in it
for your efforts—so keep your eyes open.

Also, I’ll probably be sending you a poll or asking you
to fill out a survey from the blog in the next month or

If you are interested in helping shape my new book and the
direction of the website—please throw in your two cents.

I appreciate those of you who have taken the time to write
to me or to comment. If I missed you somehow—accept my
apologies. This week I managed to make it through something
like 1000 emails…best to comment on the blog since at
least you won’t get lost there!

Please do drop me a line at the blog…at the moment you
still can find it at
3. Critter Chronicles
You might have heard about or seen the undercover footage
about a California slaughterhouse. Remember the ad for
California cheese—it is the one that says the cows are

Well, they are not.

I have posted the undercover video on the blog with and
another link to a less painful website with animated
commentaries about the livestock handling of food
production animals.

It is disturbing but it you have kids in school or if you
frequent any of the fast food chain restaurants—you are
supporting the industry and the good news is that there are
some things you can do to change it.

For instance, if you shop at the larger grocery stores, you
can push for organic meats and other foods that are produced
in sustainable agriculture. It is worth pushing change with
your buying power from inside the market for your health
and the human treatment of animals.

I am not going to get into a full blown commentary—the
videos will do it for me. Just click through to view them
at https://www.arkanimals.com/ark_animal_answers.html and
after you are done there, you can check out these links:


Humanely yours…
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
This month we start the teleseminar Tuesdays:

February 5, 2008 Noon (Pacific Time)
How to solve house training (housebreaking) problems

February 12, 2008 Noon (Pacific Time)
How to solve litter box avoidance and marking problems

February 19, 2008 6:00PM (Pacific Time)
How to solve house training (housebreaking) problems

February 26, 2008 6:00PM (Pacific Time)
How to solve litter box avoidance and marking problems

The cost per session is $50 sign up via this link: http://tinyurl.com/28jh7m please indicate which session you prefer.

You confirmation and call or link details will be sent in
response to payment notification.

Please check my calendar directly to make sure you don’t
miss anything in the future:

If you would like an animal behavior or training
appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an
appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who
is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and information
related to animals or writing.

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you may unsubscribe
by following the information (or clicking on the link)
included in your verification email (or the bottom of this
email). If you signed up at an event, you were entered into
the private database and can be removed by following the
same instructions.

Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like
to see covered in this newsletter, please visit our online
form at https://www.arkanimals.com/ark/contact.html

Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.

Copyright © 2008 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Web Email Form: https://www.arkanimals.com/ark/contact.html

(909) 547-4275 Office Line
(800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN 1893361845)
(800) 805-5489 Sterling Publishing Book Wholesale (ISBN 1402729677)