Senior Cats

Above: Senior cats inactivity can lead to obesity and other problems.

For some reason the topic of senior pets most often concerns dogs so I thought it was time to give senior cats some focus.

Subtle changes in behavior and activity can alert cat owners to potential problems facing their older felines.

Now most people expect aging animals to show changes in activity level, less inclination to jump, stiffness, and difficulties in getting up. These mobility difficulties may indicate inflammation or early signs or arthritis.

There are other changes to pay attention to. For instance, sudden shifts in body weight should concern you—quick loss or gain should motivate you to visit the veterinarian for a wellness checkup.

More subtle shifts in eating habits or toileting habits are other indicators of a potential problem.

Even the change in something as simple changing sleeping locations and patterns can be early indicators of a health issue.

Older animals may develop new bumps and lumps that should be checked out by a vet but will also experience changes in their hearing, vision, and breath.

You many witness a sensitivity to temperatures.

Any signs of respiratory difficulty such as increased panting or sneezing, and difficulties chewing or swallowing should motivate you to get the animal to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

I wrote about Cinderella not too long ago, she is estimated to be between 16 to 18 years of age and a sudden change in weight alerted us to a problem which turned out to be hyperthyroidism.

Other veterinary medical problems include dental disease, liver disease, bladder stones, cancer, and others.

Did you know that one out of 400 cats develops feline diabetes? So it is important to make sure that you pay attention to diet and be aware that obesity and inactivity will put a cat at risk to this disease.

Daily touch can help you to monitor the health of your cat. Get familiar with the weight and check the gums and teeth because it is estimated that about one third of older cats develop dental disease.

Senior cats often do not wear down their claws or use scratching posts as they once did so check the claws because you might find that your cat may need to have his or her claws clipped on a regular basis.

Now just like with senior dogs, there are many products for senior cats and I’ll discuss some useful senior cat products in the next part of this series but let me mention a few standard pet supplies that you should have in your home pet kit.

Grooming supplies should be a standard and if you cannot groom your cat, make sure the feline visits the groomer.

Dental care products and hair ball remedies should be standards and the addition of fatty acid supplements are a good idea.

Dietary needs change over time so changing the diet gradually to meet the activity and age needs is a great way to help manage organ health, skin and coat condition, avoid diabetes, and to mitigate urinary tract infections.

Finally, additional attention to litter box management is important. Daily scooping, once a week cleaning, and additional boxes will help avoid inappropriate elimination and house soiling.

Going Green: Cat Litter

Have you and your cat gone green? If not, consider converting your cat’s litter to something that is more earth friendly.

According to the United States Geological Society, eighty-five percent of the clay mined annually is used to absorb pet waste. Clay cat litter use negatively impacts the earth from the time it is mined beyond the time after a cat owner disposes of it–by sitting in landfills.

Clay is mined from the earth and all mining operations are harsh on the environment. Strip mining is used to dig into the earth after the clay. The clay is extruded and the process leaves a nasty pit in the earth.

After mining, the clay has to be transported for treatment. The clay is transported and dried using petroleum products—not very earth friendly there either.

Let’s look at the cat litter options:

  • Clay
  • Silica
  • Cellulose
  • Toilet Training

Clay is the least environmentally friendly. The most popular product, because it clumps, is the sodium bentonite clay. This product remains popular because it is economical to the consumer and so comprises most of the market sales.

There are other options to clumping clay such as silica products. The silica gel is made from silica dioxide which is then made into sodium silicate. It is highly absorbent, very light, and can be used for a longer duration than clay but it also has an environmental impact because it ends up in landfills.

The problem with sending used litter to the landfills is that they are packed so tightly that little of the oxygen and dirt is available to help with the biodegrading process.

Cellulose litter is probably one of the most ecologically friendly choices. Litters made from corn, wheat, beet, soy, pine, pulp, and recycled newspapers are biodegradable. Some can even be used for composting or mulching after feces are removed. This product may also end up in landfills but has more chance of breaking down if it is not wrapped in plastic bags.

For instance, Close to Nature Cat Litter is made from soybeans. It clumps but doesn’t destroy the earth like clay litters do.

Also, once used it can be used in the garden if you choose to do so. The new packaging is biodegradable–making it a great product and a true eco-friendly product.

The Organic Farm Store online manufacturers the product so if you want to give Close to Nature Cat Litter click here and then let me know your opinion.

Toilet Training
I talked previously about how to toilet train a cat and about toxoplasma gondii. This eliminates (no pun intended) the need to use any litter. There is concern over the transmission of toxoplasma gondii to wildlife. Sea otters were thought to have been infected from feces that may have been passed to them through feral cats or from infected cat feces that were tossed into storm drains or flushed down the toilet. If you keep your cats indoors there is little risk of infection or transmission.

I hope you will take steps to live a greener lifestyle and include your pet in the efforts. Take a minute and let me know other ways you have found to go green with your pet.