Cat Urinating in Sink & Bathtub

This week I am focusing on questions related to pet potty training. One of the questions was related to a cat urinating all over the house, peeing on the bed or on the laundry.

When a cat’s behavior changes and the toileting habits change suddenly it is important to rule out any veterinary medical issues such as a urinary infection or blockage.

Feeding a quality diet that does not include grains or fillers can help keep your feline healthier but if your veterinarian makes a recommendation you should follow the directions.

These days I prefer to refer cats to feline veterinary specialists because I believe there are too many developments in the veterinary world to keep on top of all of them. Specialists see the specific species and issues and so can delve into them deeply.

Cats with urinary tract infections will urinate outside of the box and sometimes the cat will urinate in sinks or bathtubs. They may cry in the litter box, or begin to urinate more frequently in smaller amounts. In other cases you may observe a cat straining to urinate (and failing) or excreting bloody urine.

Your veterinarian will want a urine sample. So the cat will need to urinate in a special non-absorbent litter. Otherwise the veterinarian will do a procedure called a cystocentesis.

Next a urinalysis is done (sometimes an ultrasound may also be recommended) to rule out an infection, disease, stones or crystals.

If the cat has a bladder infection you will be given a prescription to relieve the infection and discomfort. If the cat reveals crystals, the treatment usually involves a diet change (PH)  for up to eight weeks.

Follow up visits are a must and maintenance usually also involves getting your cat to drink additional water or to take in more fluids through wet food.

However, litter box avoidance can also be caused by stress and I’ll talk about this tomorrow.

If you have issues with cat urination or cats urinating around the house I can recommend a few cat odor neutralizer and cat clean up products:

Have you experienced this problem? If so, how did you solve it?


  1. Jennifer Bircham says

    I had that very problem with my cat a.k.a Fatcat. I had taken in my sisters cat for a little bit and he began to pee and crap everywhere but the litter box. I thought it was because the other cat, but he continued it after the cat was gone. There was nothing wrong medically. Then the vet asked if i had changed the type of litter i was using. That was the problem. As soon as i went back to the other kind i was using before he was going in it again. The vet told me he was just being picky. Even animals have a prevrence.

  2. It is a common problem and there are tons of reasons for litter box avoidance–which is why I always suggest getting professional help.

    Sometimes it is the litter, sometimes the cleanliness, at other times it can be the location or type of box.

    Thanks for dropping by–hope to see you again.

  3. Jacqueline says

    I have done everything with a 10 month old cat who both uses her box and insists on peeing in other places – first the bathtub, then behind the TV, now by the back door. We have changed fopod, changed litter, had urinalysis done twice (it’s normal) and still this behavior persists. She has a large box that is in the same place, cleaned daily. I love her, but am ready to find her a new home as she is ruining too much of the house. Any ideas?

  4. Jacqueline, you need to get professional help instead of trying to problem solve this issue yourself. I am sure you think you have done everything but you have not even begun to work on the issue if everything you listed are the only steps you have taken.

    Glad to hear that you had a veterinary medical check up. Now go the rest of the way and hire an animal expert or behaviorist to solve the problem.

    I have a list of experts in the Resources area or you can always book a phone consultation.

    Good luck and realize that behavior issues have to be addressed at multiple levels plus cleaning–and the longer an issue has existed, the longer it takes to solve.

  5. sherry christensen says

    i have six cats. somebody, i dont know who is peeeing on everything i own, shoes, clothes, pocket books, sinks, sofa, its awful. i have two litter boxes we keep clean. once they peed on my bed pillow. i cant afford to take all six to the vet; what do i do?

  6. You can try isolating the cats into different rooms with the litter boxes to identify who the culprit is. I’d suggest your hire a behaviorist to help and get pet insurance because veterinary assessments and services are not optional especially since urination issues can indicate problems that can become more severe and be life threatening.