Holiday Pet Giving: The Controversy

Recently I blogged about how some humane societies have changed their minds about giving pets as gifts during the holidays. This article gives some additional musings about why gifting a pet around the holidays is not a good idea. I agree, unfortunately I live in an area where animals are still auctioned off. Doesn’t instill the view of a pet as a living, feeling creature in my view.

Lost pet return estimates on a national level have been put at less than 10% . This article on pet detectives says that sources cited in the article put lost cat returns at 2-4%. Is this not a good motivator for keeping pets indoors and making sure they wear ID tags and are microchipped? I think so.
Fleas Navidog? This article talks about pet owner spending.

Rabbit abuse? This article from the UK found that 7 out of 10 rabbits stay confined all day every day.

Meet Your Match & Home for the Holidays

I’ve been around long enough to remember when holiday adoptions of animals were discouraged. Research now says different and this humane society is encouraging people to adopt and give animals as gifts!

Holiday travel with pets? Check out this article on pet holiday travel.