Welcome to Ark Animal Answers Critter Cast!

The Ark Animal Answers Podcast with animal expert Diana L Guerrero gives you pet care tips and hints. Each tip is 60 seconds or less. Feel free to share as long as you keep the clip intact. Enjoy and don’t forget to contact us with your questions!

Welcome to Ark Animal Answers Critter Cast with Diana L Guerrero!

Leaders of the Pack

New services for animals pop up daily, I remember when I was testing new ideas in the early 90’s and people were not really open to pet insurance, day care and now those service lead the pack in trends for pet owners. I came across two articles that I thought you’d be interested in seeing. The first concerns how Japan is embracing senior animal care for elderly pets while the second touches on the same topic with a focus on pet acupuncture. (You can also find pet acupuncture in my Unusual Animal Career series at https://www.arkanimals.com)