Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks October 2010
Volume 8, Number 10
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Online: http://www.guerreroink.com
Copyright © 2010 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
October News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Is it my imagination or is this year flying by?
The first storm of the fall season hit today and I am watching the rain fall heavily against the thirsty earth.
The gray skies contrast and highlight the copper and amber leaves of those plants changing into their fall colors.
The animal life is scarce, not only because of the weather but also because the West Nile virus has swept through the valley.
This week I am celebrating my return after an excursion down into the OC (Orange County, California).
The upside of the trip is that I realized that I really don’t want to be in the city much these days.
It gave me a great new perspective on my life and environment and has made me shift priorities when it comes to the work load on my desk.
So, I’ve got to hunker down and get cracking.
In the meantime, I hope you will help me with daily voting for the Refresh Everything project. I have set up a specific page for you to sign up for the list and should have confirmation shortly.
Okay, that is it for now.
Have you joined me on Facebook yet?
I post lots of things at least once a week there and you can comment or post your photos. Just click “like” to join:
Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month
So, I am going to be working my little tush off if Pepsi gives me the word but even if they don’t, I will be working on the project anyway.
You might want to know just what the animal school will be about.
As one of my pals said, it is to help those people whose warm and fluffy meets reality.
The goal is to keep pets in homes and out of the shelters.
A large number of pets end up in shelters due to behavior problems. A lot of them have not received training, are under 3 years of age, and most are not neutered.
Pet retention programs are a fairly new effort but something else has to be done—people need to know how to understand and connect with animals so that they avoid problems and also help their pets be happier, healthier, and better behaved.
What is the Pet Parenting School?
“The Pet Parenting School helps frustrated pet owners solve their pet behavior problems fast using humane techniques and newly discovered methods of communicating in a online school with 24/7 resources and coaching sessions so anyone can get better results even if they’ve failed before or don’t have much time.”
Some of you took the time to send in your questions about pet behavior and pet training issues.
Many of you posted them on the blog or on my Facebook page.
Thanks so much!
I’ll be sharing answers with you via the Pepsi email list so make sure you take a minute to sign up!
To help vote you will need to either have a Facebook profile or a Pepsi Refresh Everything account.
You can use both accounts to vote and double the chances of getting the money for the pet parenting school.
If you want to get a head start and sign up for the Pepsi Refresh Everything just sign up now using the pop up banner at the bottom of the page:
I will be sending you an email with more details and the links on how to vote.
Thanks for all your support now and through the voting process!
3. Article Round Up
Below are the articles I have written since the last newsletter.
Just click in to visit the articles of your choice and feel free to
use the “tell a friend” link at the end of each post to email your
friend the article link or to bookmark your favorite posts.
Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications about the
new content on the web which is why I include the list here.
If you want immediate notification, I’d suggest visiting
http://www.ArkAnimals.Com so you can sign up for the RSS feed.
Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!
September 2010 Ark Animals
What is your biggest problem with your pet?
Animal Training Tools: Chime about the Best & the Worst!
Poodle Piano Player (Video)
Pet Products: Where do you shop?
Who or What Animal Training Source Makes Your Cringe?
Who or What is Your Favorite Animal Training Source?
Pet Travel Safety Cars
9-11 Search & Rescue Dogs (Video)
Why are pets so expensive?
Service Dog Fraud
Service Dogs for Multiple Sclerosis
Ark Animal Tracks September
Pet Parenting School
Disney is Pet Friendly?
Are you making your pet miserable?
Are you sensible or senseless when it comes to animals?
Animal Career Secrets
Animal Career Publications
Animal Internships & Externships
How good are online courses?
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone
who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and
information related to animals or writing.
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distributed to anyone.
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you may unsubscribe by following the information (or
clicking on the link) included in your verification
email (or the bottom of this email).
If you signed up at an event, you were entered into the
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same instructions.
Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like
to see covered in this newsletter, please visit our online
form at https://www.arkanimals.com/contact/
Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.
Copyright © 2010 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(909) 547-4ARK (4275) Office Line
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