Ark Animal Tracks: November 2008

Diana L. Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks: November 2008
Volume 6, Number 11
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
November News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month:
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Wow, we are fast approaching the end of another year.

The elections have dominated the news for some time and
people are ready to move forward. I hope you will get out
and vote. Since I get a ballot by mail, my votes we cast
about a week ago and I will be interested in seeing how the
record number of voters expected this year are handled.

Speaking of voting, thanks to those of you who voted for
Ark Animals for the blogger choice awards. I was asked to
submit the blog and then discovered that my request for
votes should have been delayed for the 2009 session because
your votes were calculated and cleared shortly after I sent
you the notice.

Anyway, take a moment to vote for Ark Animals by opening an
account and casting your vote now:


Those of you who read the blog regularly will notice that
I’ve been playing with how I post content and topics.
Sometimes I focus on a topic for an entire week such as the
series on Howl-o-ween pet safety.

Next year I hope to assign certain days to a particular
topic such as animal careers, animal training, pet
parenting, breaking news, and similar topics. That way you
know what to expect and when to look for it.

If you are a subscriber and have a topic you’d like to
see me cover just drop me a line and I will eventually get
to it.

I hope you not only enjoyed the Animal Disaster
Preparedness Guide but are also taking the steps outline in
the ebook.

If you know of a pet owner or pet business that
could use a copy suggest that they visit the site to
download their own copy–just send them this link:


Until next month or the next blog post…
2. Discussion for the Month
This year has been difficult for me due to some delays
because of health challenges. The pet parenting school is
still on my plate but delayed until next year. I have a
couple of other projects that I am working on that will be
really fun…so stay tuned.

I also ended up doing a book signing in Big Bear Lake,
California last month. I was happy to have some of you drop
by to say hello. The fall is a great time to visit the
mountains and we are very pet friendly around these parts.

Finally, I appreciate the large number of you who
participated in my reader survey. Your comments will direct
me to what type of content I will place on the blog and into
the pet parenting school next year.

You’ll be happy to hear that I am going to have another
contest shortly. There will be a couple of prizes for the
top three so look for that email.

While I am chatting about the future, I am pleased with the
new affiliates. If you are already an affiliate, please make
sure you give me your answers to the survey.

You comments will fuel the direction of the program and

Soon I hope to offer an html email newsletter instead of
the text format. I’ll be interested in what you think.

Until next month…

3. October Article Round Up
Many of you receive the newsletter but don’t often get
over to the blog to check out the new content.

When I asked you about this I was surprised at the large
number that do not want to receive notices of new
posts–but understand completely. I get so much email that
I feel that less is more.

So, this new section of the newsletter will include all the
posts from the month so you don’t miss topics that would
be useful and so that you can find your favorite articles
more easily.

Feel free to use the “tell a friend” link at the end of
each post to email your friend the article link or to
bookmark your favorite posts.

Going Green with Cat Litter

Vet Dogs: The New K9 Corps

Political Animal Dog & Cat Toys

Blessing of the Animals

Endangered Species Act Alert

More Music for Pets

Animal Training Credentials

Puppy Socialization: Before Shots are Done

Pet Microchip Standardization

Adopt A Shelter Dog Month

Is your dog your boyfriend? (video)

Hypo-allergenic Pets: Fact or Fiction

Do Pets Benefit a Community?

Pet Insurance: Is It For You?

Pet Background Checks

Wolf Awareness Week

California’s Proposition 2: Insane or Humane

Unusual Animal Career: Nuisance Bird Control

Hiking Hounds: Hitting the Trail

Dr Jones Dog Food Video

Is Your Pet A Blessing?

Howl-o-ween Festivities

Halloween Pet Costumes Should Be A Treat

Halloween Pet Costumes (How to tell if a pet likes or dislikes it.)

Train Pets to Wear Halloween Costumes

Halloween Cat Hazards

Happy Howl-o-ween

4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online. I am not scheduling much at
the moment during recovery but you can access it at

Teleseminar Sign up:

If you would like an animal behavior or training
appointment just book an appointment online.

Don’t forget that I also do phone consultations.

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who
is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and information
related to animals or writing.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Subscriber information will not be
distributed to anyone.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe: If you subscribed electronically,
you may unsubscribe by following the information (or clicking on the link)
included in your verification email (or the bottom of this

If you signed up at an event, you were entered into the
private database and can be removed by following the same

Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like
to see covered in this newsletter, please visit our online
form at

Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.

Copyright © 2008 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Web Email Form:

(909) 547-4275 Office Line
(800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN 1893361845)
(800) 805-5489 Sterling Publishing Book Wholesale (ISBN 1402729677)