Ark Animal Tracks May 2009

Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks May 2009
Volume 7, Number 5
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2009 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
May News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances

1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Spring is a time of new beginnings. This is certainly true of my life and I hope you will find the same to be true.

The last few weeks have been spent traveling and seeing old pals…including their animals. My train travel adventures were just what I needed and it is nice to see my energy slowly returning.

I was able to spend a week near the beach and spent many hours on the beach for my birthday.

My time inside was filled with the antics and warm affection of eight cats and three dogs. Those nieces and nephews are always good for my spirits.

I’ll be heading to the beach later this month and then maybe up the coast with another animal behaviorist turned psychologist. It has been a long time since I traveled North—there was a time when I did so twice a year.

Lately I’ve been able to sneak a little reading in and recently finished One Nation Under Dog.

If you are interested in learning more about current pet trends this book is a great mix of story and research and you can find my review online this week.

Here is hoping that you spring into summer with new and exciting adventures or projects.

In the meantime,

Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month
During my travels I have had the opportunity to observe the habits of pet owners around Southern California.

I’ve been in the animal business for so long that sometimes I forget what the common hurdles pet owners face in their day-to-day activities.

It was certainly eye opening to see the common errors people make without even thinking about them.

This is especially relevant as I begin work on my Pet Parenting School because those are the issues that the online course will need to address.

Allowing animals to run amuck, get rambunctious, allowing play to escalate into biting or scratching, and other activities occur just because people don’t consciously think about how their behavior affects the behavior of their animals during their normal daily activities.

So, in the near future I am going to be asking you to help me out again with another survey related to the pet care, behavior, and training issues faced by you or your friends.

I’ll also have some give-aways so keep your eyes open.
3. Article Round Up
Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications about the new content on the web. If you do, I’d suggest visiting http://www.ArkAnimals.Com so you can sign up for the RSS feed. Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!

Below are the articles I have written since the last newsletter. Just click in to visit the articles of your choice and feel free to use the “tell a friend” link at the end of each post to email your friend the article link or to bookmark your favorite posts.

April 2009
Easter Chicks: Will They Be Dead or Alive?

USGS Pole Dancing Bear (Video)

Dog Training: Blowing Bubbles (Video)

Tracking Tigers Line Transects (Video)

Blessing of the Animals in Los Angeles

Training Talk: It Only Takes a Minute

Animal Rights (Video)

Don Simon Environmental Artist

Dolphin Enrichment Bubbles (Video)

Shadow of the Tiger (Video)

Obama Dog: First Puppy Bo at the White House

Ark Animal Tracks Newsletter April 2009

Ten Stupid Mistakes Pet Owners Make

Ark Lady’s Must Read Animal Blog List

Earth Day Every Day Living Tips

Happy Birthday Cheeta

Arbor Day Tree Lovers Unite

Trapping Tigers by Camera (Video)

Why Should You Care about Frogs?

Disturbing Pet Trends

Who is your favorite trainer or behaviorist?

4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online. I am still not scheduling much at the moment during my recovery but you can access it at

Teleseminar Sign up:

If you would like an animal behavior or training appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone consultations.

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and information related to animals or writing.

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Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like to see covered in this newsletter, please visit our online form at

Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.

Copyright © 2009 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Web Email Form:

(909) 547-4275 Office Line
(800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN 1893361845)
(800) 805-5489 Sterling Publishing Book Wholesale (ISBN 1402729677)


  1. Denise Wolfe says

    I have a female shelter dog who was spayed before she was adopted out. She was adopted by an acquaintance of mine who couldn’t keep her and I then took her in. Over the four years, I’ve lost contact with this gal, but noticed that over the last several months during certain times, my two male dogs have been after her to the point where I was concerned whether the spaying had reversed itself. Now, she seemingly has her period and my male dogs are going nuts! I have a vet appointment for her tomorrow but has this procedure ever been known to reverse itself? Can you rely on surgical procedures from shelters? Any constructive comments on this would be appreciated. Thank you.

  2. @Denise: Since normally the uterus and ovaries are removed during a spay, reversal is impossible. It is more likely that the procedure was never done. I’d be interested in knowing more about what your veterinarian said.