Earlier this month I devoted a week to Animal Disaster Preparedness Tips.In the wake of Hurricane Ike I’d like to encourage you to take a few moments to prepare your family and pets for disaster.
You can grab a free copy of Animal Disaster Preparedness for Pet Owners & Pet Professionals here.If you want to know how to help pet rescue efforts for Hurricane Ike animal disaster victims click here.
September is National Disaster Preparedness Month so take a few steps now.
Animal Disaster Rescue Links
Okay, I am winding up this Animal Disaster Preparedness week with some links to a few of the national animal emergency rescue groups. Some of them blog during disasters which gives you an up close look at just what is going on in the front lines of animal rescue.
I also suggest you read the guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission (originally for Hurricane Katrina but they apply to all disaster donations).
American Humane Association Disaster Relief: I once worked with them on a few disasters and actually helped construct the first Animal Planet Rescue Rig. Today they have the Red Star Animal Emergency Services.
Humane Society of the United States Animal Rescue Team: I spoke at one of their national expos about animal disaster preparedness. They also are out on the front lines.
United Animal Nations: They operate the Emergency Animals Rescue Service of which I was a part in the early days. They also have a network of volunteers nationally.
Code 3 Associates: Have been around a long time. They operate a big rig and send in help for animals regularly.
Noah’s Wish: Fortunately this group is under new direction and they have a network of volunteers around the nation helping animals in emergency situations.
International Fund for Animal Welfare: This group assists with animal rescue and related activities on a global level.
Best Friends: This rescue agency also operates a rapid response group to help animals in disasters.
There are of course many other groups such as the American Veterinary Medical Association Disaster Preparedness network–and you can now find their disaster preparedness guide online.
Guide Star: Lets you search for a charity specific to an area or disaster.
Please implement the tips and hints from this week so that you are prepared for any emergency or disaster situation.
Click here for more information on Hurricane Ike pet rescue.