
Race car fans loved this fundraiser for homeless pets. Mark your calendars or bookmark this site for next year.

If you are a Mets fan and want to dress up your critter to win goodies visit these sites: This poor cat is really a Mets fan but hates the hat. This is the official Met Your Pet site to submit your pet photos (outfitted in Met gear..see my earlier posting for links for official pet sports gear).

Part of the reason animal professionals discourage “free” placement of pets is due to the trade in animals. Here is an article highlighting the issue of pets sold for research.

Another article offering pet hurricane evacuation tips.

Survey says…this article talks about taking pets to work. You’ll find the statistics about workers interesting.

If you thought you saw everything check out pet tech. If this concept is appealing I have some other links to share including “sniffy the rat.”

Pit bulls on the rampage across the pond.

Cute pet owner commentary includes some of the books I’ve mentioned and linked to.

I don’t recommend wolf-dogs as pets. Here is an recent article with video on wolf-dogs. I happen to think the article is a bit lame. Here is my extensive commentary on wolf-dog ownership complete with expert comments and references.

This is a good pet safety and health article full of tips.

Animal News for You!

I don’t have much time for comments but found some articles I thought you would find of interest:

Working dogs or service dogs are causing a stir. I’d put some people’s reactions into my “bad behavior” category.

People create problems for wildlife and this little sea lion pup suffered for it.

This Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle seems to be a lucky critter.

Too bad that this mountain lion was shot just because it was too close to humans. What is your opinion?

One of my editors declined my column about declawing cats. Take a look at what the Cat Fancier’s Association says about declawing cats.

Finally, this pitbull attack in a dog park caused the death of another dog. While a child was attacked elsewhere by another pitbull.