Animal Trampoline Antics (Videos)

Since I have been busy all day and did not get the planned post finished–I thought I would share a couple of videos with you that would make you smile.

For some reason people have been calling my attention to trampoline loving canines this week.

Below are two videos–one of a boxer on the trampoline and another of two foxes playing on another.

Must be a new trend in trampolines!

As a matter of fact, if you do a search on YouTube you can find a bunch more.

Training Cat to Sit (Video)

You might remember the series I did on cat training with Mr B.

I just did a video for the Pet Parenting School for promotion and then I missed the submission deadline because I was in the middle of a project.

Hate that!

I thought this cat training video was a good way to show that you can start teaching an animal at a very young age and have it be fun and rewarding for both the human and cat.

The little Siamese is named “Max.”

I’ll be getting back to some subscriber questions again shortly but I’ve been buried in a very big project and since I know you love videos–thought I’d cheat with this short one today.

Hope you enjoy it.