Pet Parenting vs Pet Training

pet parenting or pet training

Many of you know that I am currently seeking funding for the pet parenting school, an online animal school to help keep companion animals in their homes and out of shelters.

Someone recently left a comment that they didn’t know the difference between pet parenting and pet training.

That is the point. People don’t know about pet parenting which is why animals end up in shelters.

Pet parenting is a lifestyle adjustment and coaching that takes place before formal training starts.

Yes, pet training can be part of an entire program but the problem is that people keep making the same mistakes and animals keep ending up without homes because they cycle hasn’t been broken.

Although a lot of people think the information is getting out to the masses, it clearly isn’t.

If it was, most people would be prepared for the animal that enters their home.

They aren’t.

If people had the info they needed they wouldn’t be lamenting about how their pet does X or Y and how it is making them crazy.

Lamenting over puppy or kitten behaviors and the challenges faced because of puppyhood or kittenhood wouldn’t be so common.

The problem people encounter is that their idea of warm and fluffy actually meets the reality of pet ownership when an animal enters the home.

Personally, I know that the reason all babies (of any species) survive is because they are so cute.

It literally saves their butt for a time, until they get older and people get less tolerant.

Take the guy down the street from my friend who just gave away his fifth dog in five years.

Each time the family gets enamored by young puppy they bring it home.

They do nothing to help it adapt to life with humans and reach the end of their rope by the time the animal hits five to six months of age.

Then they hit the, “I can’t deal with this any more” phase and get rid of the animal.

Only to repeat the same process the following year.

I wish I could say this issue is rare but it really isn’t.

There is the problem–it is a cycle.

In this situation, the problem isn’t finances, it is lack of motivation and knowledge.

The problem is with priorities and the failure to understand that it only takes consistent effort and guidelines to keep that animal in the home.

But, the other problem is that most people are not motivated to get the info they need early enough.

It isn’t a training problem, it is a lifestyle problem.

It is an early pet education problem.

So, if you could get the information you needed when you needed it–even if it was at 2am–would you get it? Would you use it?

Hopefully you said yes–and that is the goal of the pet parenting school.

  • Get the answers when you need them.
  • Get the info nobody else is giving you.
  • Save yourself and others a whole lot of anguish before it escalates and the animal ends up in a shelter or on the streets.

Tell me, how that is the same as training? Be sure to sign up for the advance notice for the pet parenting school.

Photo Credit: Alex J Tam

Animal Training 101: Ask, Tell, Take Action!

1, 2, 3, ask, tell, take action!Animal training is something that many people think is easy but that most people simply don’t understand.

When observing the average person’s daily mistakes when it comes to animal training, it becomes clear that the absence of good behavior from the animals usually stems from owner behavior.

Now it would be easy to say that they are too lazy to take action, simply ignorant of what to do, but in reality, a lot of it has to do with not being motivated enough to change how they live life–or to face discomfort by changing their human habits so that the animals benefit.

Most people don’t see through the lens that I see animals through because if they did, they would stop the insanity that reinforces the very crap they complain about.

My students understand the 1, 2, 3 principle. It is very simple–because it is clear and it helps with consistency over the long term.

Now you might not know what 1, 2, 3 principle is, so let me clarify.

If you have kids, or have ever been around someone who has kids, there is a counting process that communicates that the parent is setting a limit and, if that limit is ignored, there will be a consequence.

This often progresses into counting…


“But mom…”


“Okay, okay…”

This works because, “THREE!” usually indicates some sort of action or consequence that is not desirable or pleasant.

It could  be a time-out or something else.

In my animal training, I change the 1, 2, 3 principle to Ask, Tell, Take Action!

Ask, Tell, Take Action!

Recently, a former client was lamenting over the fact that her animals respond to my requests almost immediately. She was shaking her head over the fact that they never do so for her.

In this case, two of her dogs would not recall from the yard into the home.

You see, the front yard is a novel experience for them and much more interesting than coming to her.

Plus, her request was lame. LOL

Seriously, she tends to wait for the dogs to give her permission on things and complies to every behavior request they make of her!

So, like many owners, she tends to let the dogs dictate the when and where of things.

For instance, she might think SHE is walking the dogs but it is the other way around since they decide when they start and stop on the walks. She will stand their for ages while they sniff rather than take the lead and move forward on the amble.

Anyway, the dogs would not come in and she professed to not know why.

So I refreshed her memory over the 1, 2, 3 rule which is this:

1. Ask
When you ask an animal in a normal tone, he or she should give eye contact or some sort of acknowledgement and begin to respond.

2. Tell
If not, the tone of voice changes to a stern, firm request. Which requires response.

3. Take Action!
If the animal does not comply with the request, an action is taken due to non-compliance. This is a consequence of some sort.

Are you average?
Now the average person will chat, chat, chat and never take action. This actually trains the animal to ignore any requests and so, they misbehave.

But the reality is that the pet owner is training the animal to misbehave!

I call it training by accident.

The dog paws at the door and gets let in.

Next, the dog is scratching up the door (and damaging it) because the response is inconsistent. It happens because the threshold of how long the dog needs to keep at it before being let in has risen–and the owner accidentally trains a longer duration of that destructive behavior.

Clarity, Consistency & Consequences
The three C’s of my animal training world are Clarity, Consistency & Consequences. I’ve written about training consistency before but that is the difference between what I do as an animal training professional and what others do.

My life is about managing and training behavior. So, when I ask for something, the animal learns that I require a response–and also that a voluntary one is better than non-compliance.

This is not because I do something terrible to the animal, quite the contrary, but they prefer to comply versus having me take action.

For example, if I ask an animal to come, my view is that it is not optional to refuse. Not to come could be life threatening at some point and I believe that a solid recall is critical.

This week, one of the dogs I know did not want to come when called. I asked, she ignored me.

I said her name, and said, “Have you lost your mind?” In THAT tone.

She looked at me, came a few steps and I praised her.

But she stopped…she clearly did not want to come in. Partial compliance?

Next, she put herself onto the ground in a “down” position.

She was communicating that she did not want to come in BUT was also showing me, through moving forward toward me and then lowering herself into a more submissive posture, that she did not want to refuse me–although she was.

The problem stems from the fact that this dog does not comply with the owners and so refusal has been heavily reinforced.

In this case, I had a number of options because I also like to give the animal the chance to comply voluntarily.

As I moved toward her, she decided it was in her best interest to come on her own–and so, she did.

What would have happened to her as a consequence?

I would have leashed her up and brought her inside.

However, I reinforce compliance and it is much nicer to get praise and rewards than it is to be marched into the house.

In the past, I’ve “walked her down” meaning, she would not come and I simply walked until she decided to come to me voluntarily.

Since she lives on a couple of acres, normally the owners give up and she gets to stay out like she desires. What she learned with me was that I will not give up like the owners and I will consistently continue until there is compliance.

It isn’t fun like with the owners who leave her to hunt or to do what she wants and she learned that it is more rewarding to comply than to refuse.

So, if you have a problem with non-compliance, try the Ask, Tell, Take Action!

In fact, make it a way of life and everyone will be much happier–and probably much safer.