Ark Animals Subscribers Are Winners!

I love my subscribers because they participate when I ask questions and share their heartfelt stories and opinions. They are all winners and periodically I actually send a prize out.

Recently I asked for some tips and hints to see just what was important to them.

Immediately I received a flood of emails with a number of topics that were near and dear to their hearts.

Although it was difficult to choose the best, I am happy to announce the participant selected to win the first prize (insert drum roll here) :

Congratulations to Sheila Gibbs of Victoria, British Columbia.

Sheila took the time to write tips she thought were useful. What was outstanding about her submissions is that she also described in detail how they were valuable and how they applied to her pet household.

The prize?

Sheila will receive a copy of the newly released Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training and What It Teaches Us About All Animals. If you have not purchased your copy–it was released this week and you can read my extensive book review about Reaching the Animal Mind here.

BOGO Pets?

One of my readers wrote to tell me that in her area the local shelters offer a BOGO (Buy One Get One Free) offer for anyone adopting an animal.

This means that when you adopt a pet from the shelter that you can get another one without any additional fees.

Now you might feel that this is a good deal–which it is considering some of the adoption fees these days.

But, what kind of picture is being set up about the animals and our relationship with them?

Yes, animals are considered pets or family members by most of the people I know.

However, in some circles they are commodities –and the BOGO mindset reminds me simply of stores trying to move inventory–which is probably also true of shelters.

But the subliminal message?

Not that animals are valuable but that they are a commodity–and can be picked up during this bargain period.

Does that create value in the mind of the buyer?

I understand the marketing idea behind it but is it a good one?

What do you think about BOGO Pets?