Shark Week Air Jaws (Video)

This week I’ve been getting my fill of shark week but find I prefer the more documentary oriented shows versus this year’s pop culture reenactments. I also hate watching people wrestle or disturb wild animals…wondering how much habituation occurs when divers feed sharks and create that human-food association that gets so many people injured by feeding wildlife.

Discovery has posted share week videos here for your online enjoyment.

Pet First Aid Class & Tips by Phone Tonight!

Danielle Chonody of Working with Pets is hostig a free call tonight, July 14, 2009.

Her guest will be Therese Kopiwoda from PetSitUSA and Austin Pet First Aid.

Therese is a pet sitter and a pet first aid instructor with Pet Tech. She is going to share 5 pet first aid tips on the call that everyone pet sitter (and pet owner) must know.

Therese is also going to share with us how pet sitters can attract new clients and build community awareness of their business by teaching pet first aid classes.

If you are a pet sitter you are obviously already passionate about the care of pets. Becoming a pet first aid teacher in your community is a natural fit and will give your business more credibility but this class might be interesting for any pet owner who uses such services too.

To get all the call in details register here.