Archives for 2011

How many animals make too many?

This week I have ventured out to help out at a private animal rescue facility. I’ve written about how many dogs are too many before and I wanted to revisit the topic again.

Although there are many well meaning people who engage in animal rescue, there is a fine line between what you can do reasonably and  crossing over a line of managing too many numbers. This is where you need to get help or delegate over to others or otherwise risk venturing into the animal hoarding realm.

The Psychiatric Times looked at the animal hoarding topic sometime back but I see a trending problem in many of the private rescue agencies. One recent glimpse made me pause to consider the fine line.

In many cases, the numbers rise simply because no home is deemed good enough for placement. (If you have been reading this blog a while you might remember my rant on animal rescue nazis.)

Now although there may be exceptions, I have experienced mostly unregulated private efforts. Those efforts seem to fail to work together with similar groups. Some may have a loose relationship, or ties with others, on occasion but I hear a lot of squabbling.

Then there are the “rescues” where they actually purchase the animals from an idiot who was breeding substandard animals. I’ve never figured out why.

In my mind, this just perpetuates the trade and if the animals are not in good health or up to breed standards. Wouldn’t euthanasia be more appropriate? And then how about the lack of consequences for the person creating all the problems?

Seriously, is a life of hell and instability from moving from place to place really considered humane?

I’ve been to a number of rescue places over the years and the people mean well. But I see behavior dynamics well above the skill set of the people who are keeping the critters.

Then there is the sheer numbers of animals. Sure, if you keep them feed and the place clean, that is a good thing. But I also think there is more to maintaining animal than just the bare minimum.

If you cannot provide good activity, outside socialization, regular training, mental occupation–are you a dismal failure–or are these efforts dismissed as not important enough to ponder or provide?

Also, if you are going to rescue a certain breed, is it humane to allow the addition of other species when you have to keep them sequestered for their health and safety?

Then, is it okay when you don’t have enough help to get you through the day to provide all they need?

I say no but then I don’t maintain a large group of commercially bred animals. Yep, you read that right. Pet breeding is a commercial activity–whether you are in the sanctioned crowd or not.

Anyway, I’ve been hearing a lot about another area rescue that is run by an elderly matron. She is reported to have something like 90 or so animals in her care. I highly doubt she is able to manage that many animals.

As a professional, I know there is a limit to how many animals one person can manage in a good setting, never mind one that isn’t set up for optimal management. And don’t even try to tell me how an elderly person is supposed to manage hoards of animals, it is hard enough when you are in good shape.

So this week I am looking forward to doing some training and loving on the animals I am helping out. It is a mixed group but they all know me and it should be an interesting adventure.

In the meantime, I hope you will chime in with your thoughts about animal management and care for groups such as rescues, animal fostering homes, and others that might come to mind. Just leave your comments below.

John Olguin

john olguinMy uncle John Olguin passed away earlier this week. He was a joyful soul who lived a passionate life educating others about the marine environment.

He was my mentor and got me on stage at the tender age of 15 years-of-age. Under his tutelage, my love for the sea became a career–first as a marine naturalist and then as an animal behaviorist and trainer.

His passing makes me think about a life well lived and the impact one life can have on another and how it exponentially expands out to cover the globe.

When I first began whale watch tours, the Marine Mammal Protection Act was a new thing and most people didn’t know much about whales.

At the time a lot of information came from stranded specimens but the Cabrillo Beach Museum was a hub of activity for those passionate about the ocean, whales, and other marine life.

The American Cetacean Society was a new group we all were active in supporting and many of the great names in conservation and education in the marine world were often present.

I remember meetings that were held in the upstairs area of the museum, the musty smell of the collection, the great leather back turtle on display, and the constant buzz of the tiny office.

Today, members meet in a very nice auditorium. The red jacket windbreakers were symbols of those active in whale watch and the patches that adorned them were badges of honor.

I no longer have my windbreaker but I still have my blue volunteer badge from the 1970s tucked away along with some of my other relics of the past from that time such as my Marineland tag and a faded yellow Cabrillo Marine Membership Volunteer card from 1986.

My life centered around the sea and I spent a lot of spare time down on the beach and on the boats. John was always prompting active learning with his infamous antics and “do-it, do-it” commands that got everyone participating–and laughing.

Someone recently asked me about my memories of him. It is not one particular memory that stands out but a vast collection of snippets.

His encouragement, his tight hugs, his walrus like kiss, and how great it is to live a life of passion. I’d hope that one day my life would have the impact that his has.

He inspired countless bus loads of Los Angeles Unified students who were bused in to the beach or to the boats for an amazing introduction to the ocean and the life within it.

He instilled a sense of awe in amazing numbers and was well loved by his community.

His enthusiasm was infectious and his heart full of love and joy.

When I think about him the words that come are “passion”, “charisma”,  “life changing”. But more importantly, I realize what an amazing life he led and how his imprint is like that of a whale footprint.

As whales dive, they often leave a footprint on the surface. It appears and slowly spreads across the surface and gradually blends until it is undiscernible, a trace of a leviathan who can reach great depths and travel long distances.

John was a great soul with a big heart whose impact traveled far and reached great depths, and whose influence will be carried on in the hearts of people everywhere.

He will be sorely missed–but what a good life, lived fully.

Photo Credit: Bernardo Alps