Archives for 2010

Why did I start training animals?

I was watching an educational video today by a successful online businessman. He was discussing living your dream life and one of the things he asked was, “What would your ideal day be?”

Funny, I was asked a similar question years ago.

The person actually asked me, “What would you be doing if you could do anything you’d like?”

I was thunderstruck and answered, “I’m doing it.”

The reason I was shocked was because that person had no connection with who I was or what my passion in life was.

I thought it was clear and so was stunned that he didn’t understand my motivation in life.

Fast forward to today and I am working on putting things in place so I can expand my lifelong goal.

Dr Oz recently wrote an excellent commentary on the Tilikum orca incident.

His commentary resonated with me because I’ve spent my life developing deep relationships with animals, not only studying about them, but also by directly observing their behavior, moods, habits, communication and by interacting with them in intimate relationships.

ark lady with orangutan


I’ve connected with them to see who they are and gleaned insights to their unique personalities.

I’ve mentioned that an early tag line of my business was “Training animals through trust, respect, and understanding.”

Now when it comes to animals, Dr Oz thinks those connections and understanding is a gift. He said,

Many of us love animals, only some of us can really connect with them.

But people want to connect with animals and working animal professionals strive to develop that deep understanding so we can help others understand them the way we do.

My early dreams of an animal career were motivated by some industry greats–many of whom I worked for or studied under.

Like Dr Oz, I used to watch Jacques Cousteau’s Undersea World. So when Mehmet Oz shared his story it reminded me of why I began training.

This tale triggered that memory.

Local natives have harvested these fish for thousands of years but never seen them in their natural environment because the water is too opaque. He caught some fish and put them in a huge glass aquarium for the villagers to see and swim with their prey. Their fascination was profound. Enlightenment occurred. Understanding ensued. For the first time, the natives had the ability to finally see with clarity what had been so close, yet so hidden from them throughout their lives. These epiphanies are the building blocks of our lives.

Today, affluence and education lead people to take stands on issues they have the luxury to ponder.

However, across the world people hunt and kill animals that others strive to protect or to be advocates for.

For instance, there are those who want captive animals released from captivity who have no knowledge of those who know those animals as a commodity simply because they can sometimes earn more than a year’s salary by trapping or killing them.

Their perspective simply sees those animals as a way to support their family.

Of course it is a little more complicated than that–but you get the idea.

Then there are the groups that raise the hackles of wild animal trainers and facilities housing captive wildlife.

They make emotional pleas and paint a picture that isn’t exactly true for everyone in the animal industry and they make money doing it.

So the upside is that they do catalyze change and awareness. But many of their supporters never ask, How much of that money really gets into the work of helping animals?

The reality is that lots goes to making more money by purchasing advertisements or sending you those fat envelopes soliciting funds.

Some of those funds pay the salaries of administration.

Now funds might get into a community to help a few animals or perhaps a specific cause but it is not as much as people assume.

Because they are sanctioned non-profit corporations, people get it in their heads that they are better than other corporations.

Ain’t necessarily so.

However, my point is in alignment with Dr Oz:

This world is too precious not to take an active role in understanding its other tenants.

Wild animals do command respect and reverence.

That is why when people call me an animal lover, I cringe.

I am an animal professional.

Yes, I do love animals but I don’t see them as anything other than the great beings they are.

Most people miss that. The wear these colored glasses that distorts the view.

Or perhaps it is the influence of television shows where animals connect with people in amazing ways–animated or not.

People forget that the movie industry’s epic films (showing human and animal relationships) are simply animal actors and human actors conveying a fictionalized story from the imagination of a writer.

The public wants to think humans and animals can live in a peaceable kingdom-even while we continue to pollute the world and drive those creatures into smaller territories–getting mad when they trespass into our terrain.

As he astutely noted, many animal professionals do devote our lives to furthering the boundaries of relationships humans can have with the animals in their charge.

My goal went from being a marine naturalist to being a trainer because the light bulb went off in my head one day.

“Wow, I can teach people that these animals are individuals and through close encounters of the ‘wild kind’ can motivate them to care.

Then that care can be translated into caring about the species, and then about the environment.”

My goal was to do outreach to connect people with animals so they see them from a new perspective, a perspective that only someone with intimate knowledge of animals can share.

Will I be able to do this in other countries and cultures?

I’ve done a lot of different things through my career but still think more needs to be done.

Hopefully, my work will bring understanding, appreciation, and enlightenment to others.

Perhaps I’ll be the one to captivate and motivate new animals professionals to take this mission forward.

That is why I started training animals and why I still love it.

If you are seeking an animal career, what impact do you desire?

What do you want your legacy to be?

What would your ideal day look like?

Ark Animal Tracks March 2010

Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks March 2010
Volume 8, Number 3
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2010 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
March News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances

1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
I just finished digging out from another snow storm. Some of the locals are complaining but I happen to think it is a great thing.

It has been a long time since we had a decent winter around here and the lake level will be high and it won’t be long before the trout start making their way up Grout Creek in an effort to spawn.

You probably heard about Dawn Brancheau, the killer whale trainer who was killed by Tilikum the Sea World orca.

It is such a tragedy and I hate to say it but that type of accident is simply an occupational hazard of a wild animal career.

If you missed my commentaries on the killer whale incident, I have posted them both on my media website and at

The links to the direct articles are listed below along with the tribute video shown on the day the killer whale shows resumed.

This incident is causing a lot of emotional debate over the issue of animals in captivity. The good thing is that everyone is concerned for the animal but the bad thing is that most people have no idea about the complexities involved with some of the suggestions being made.

I have been pondering this issues and should have an extensive commentary about it sometime this month and have posted a poll for you to vote to make your voice heard.

My hope is that we can all learn from this and make improvements in protocols and not forget what happened to the last captive killer whale (Keiko) that was released to the wild with dismal results.

Unless you understand the issues surrounding such matters it seems like a good idea but it isn’t always the reality of the situation.

The public demands around the release of Keiko were a death sentence that saddened me greatly.

Anyway, I hope to be able to share some of my insights and the complexities of these issues but it is going to take a while to write!

Also, the Maule, Chile earthquake should remind you to implement those tips and strategies I outlined in the animal disaster guide and I was glad that I wrote about Haiti last month.

It is likely that The Animal Relief Coalition will expand their efforts. If you missed that newsletter, it is online in the archives (see links below) and the Animal Relief Agencies that are involved are listed here:


Thanks again for your support and I hope you find the recent changes to you liking.

Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month
Thanks to those who sent in their entries to the contest to win their dogs a dinner.

It was a tough choice to pick only three but the winners are:

Ali Golden Spleen and her dachshund, Sadie
Ali celebrates with Sadie but also does so by fostering senior dogs. She runs the blog at and organize their adoption events.

Su Humphrey & her yellow labs, Valentino & Princess
Su rescued two yellow labs, Valentino (who is blind) and Princess when the two dogs were casualties of the foreclosure crisis. She says, “It is a constant love fest here at my house.”

Betty Petrich
Betty’s dog Lucky (a maltese) sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge not too long ago. She celebrated him every day of his life and today honors his memory through monthly donations to the SPCA & recently organized a fundraiser whose proceeds went to a local dog rescue.
3. Article Round Up
Below are the articles I have written since the last newsletter. Just click in to visit the articles of your choice and feel free to use the “tell a friend” link at the end of each post to email your friend the article link or to bookmark your favorite posts.

Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications about the new content on the web which is why I include the list here but my new service will send you a list twice a month now to keep you on top of things.

If you want immediate notification, I’d suggest visiting http://www.ArkAnimals.Com so you can sign up for the RSS feed. Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!

We are currently overhauling all my websites and you’ll be seeing some more changes.

February 2010
Captive Orcas: Take the Poll

Dawn Brancheau Killer Whale Trainer Tribute Video

Animal Disasters This Week

Animal Careers & Occupational Hazards

Animal Careers: Same Mistakes Different Day

Win Your Dogs Dinner!

Animal Training is Like Piano Playing

Dog Training Gone Bad?

Conservation Marketing for Valentine’s Day

Animal Training Sense or Senseless

Animal Training Career Risks: Emotional Attachment

Animal Career Dreams?

What is Pet Parenting?

Ark Animal Tracks February

4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online at

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
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who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and
information related to animals or writing.

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Copyright © 2010 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

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