Archives for 2010

Organic Pest Control is the Right Choice

If you ever worry about organic pest control or natural flea control, you’ll be interested in this bit of news. Although it does not specifically have to do with flea treatment for dogs or flea treatment for cats–it does show an important trend.

Commercial product manufacturers would do well to pay attention to the latest green pet trend and adopt some different (and safer) models of pest control.

A study by researchers from Washington State University (WSU) and the University of Georgia suggests that a balanced mix of insects and fungi in organic fields provides for both better pest control and larger plants than in conventional agriculture. The study, which was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and published in the July 1 edition of the journal Nature, shows that organic farming practices lead to many equally-common beneficial species, and that this reduces pest problems.

“It’s always been a mystery how organic farmers get high yields without using synthetic insecticides,” says co-author Bill Snyder, Ph.D., associate professor of entomology at WSU. “Our study suggests that biodiversity conservation may be a key to their success.”

The study involved 42 potato plots enclosed in fine mesh on the Pullman campus of WSU. The researchers planted both potato plants and Colorado potato beetles (a very problematic pest of the potato) in each of the plots, adding varying numbers of beneficial insects, fungi and nematodes, microscopic soil-dwelling worms that attack beetles’ eggs and larvae.

Crops placed in the organic test plots with a more balanced insect population grew faster, because no one species of insect had a chance to dominate the plot and kill the potato plants. In fact, the study found that the increased evenness of species in the organic plots compared to the conventional plots led to 18% lower pest densities and 35% larger plants. Larger plants generally translate to greater potato yields, suggesting that organic methods might provide higher profits as well as an ecological sustainability advantage.

Though previous conservation and biodiversity studies tended to focus on species richness, or the number of individual species present in an area, this study is one of the few to consider the advantage of relatively equal numbers, or “evenness” of species for a beneficial agricultural ecosystem. Thus, the results show that both richness and evenness must be maintained to ensure a healthy environment. Conventional agricultural methods, which rely heavily on spraying pesticides, tend to wipe out the majority of insects, leaving behind a few hardy species that end up dominating the conventional field ecosystem. These findings promote the reliance on a mix of natural predators as a way to avoid the “pesticide treadmill” that forces farmers to use larger and larger volumes of different costly chemicals to kill hardy pests that develop resistance.

Research director Andrew Jensen from The Washington State Potato Commission, which partially funded Dr. Snyder’s research, says they hope to translate the study into practical advice their members can use. Washington is second (after Idaho) in potato production in the U.S., but less than 1% of the state’s potatoes are organically grown. Studies like these might convince potato growers to cut back on spraying and eventually switch to organic methods, which would suit top potato customers, like McDonalds and Wendy’s, who are being pushed to green up their practices.

“People who buy a lot of potatoes are asking the growers to reduce insecticide use as much as possible, to document pesticide use, and include biological control as a consideration,” remarked Dr. Snyder in a comment to the Seattle Times.

This study adds to the body of scientific literature considering the benefits of organic agriculture, which includes a paper published by the Rodale Institute in 2003, describing how an organic system produces better yields of corn and soybeans under severe drought conditions and gives better environmental stability under flood conditions through lower runoff risks and greater water retention capabilities in the soil. This helps to balance inaccurate, industry-funded studies which only confuse consumers.

Prior to major commercialization we did use better methods of pest control and this trend is better for the environment and everyone in it.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see major changes in a lot of the pesticide use as people begin to understand just how bad they are for humans and animals.

Recently I learned of the pest control that occurs without application to the human skin (mosquitoes) and was thrilled.

Take a look at the flea control kits in the sidebar and once you visit the site be sure to also look for the pest tag for pets–great options for your pets.

For more information check out the Beyond Pesticides organics page.

Ark Animal Tracks July 2010

Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks July 2010
Volume 8, Number 7
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2010 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
July News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)

Hello again,

Thanks to all of you who actually voted for my video at OWN.

The production team is going through the thousands of videos
now and those who made the finals will travel to Los Angeles
for the next step.

I hope they call but if not, you can count on some new audio
and videos soon.

For those of you who have asked–some good news.

I’ve been feeling great for five days!

After a couple of years of unknown health challenges it
feels like things have finally shifted–so cross you fingers.

Last week I asked for pet photos to be shared over on Facebook
so if you have not joined me there please do so.

The Facebook page is interactive and full of new discoveries
that I don’t blog about or chat about in this newsletter.

Find the page here and just click “like” to join:


I hope you found the links that I sent a couple of days ago of use
to help pets with fireworks phobias.

If you missed them, head over to the blog and you can read the
latest article that links to the other two.

Hope you have a great Independence Day this week.

Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month

Most of you already know that I am no longer taking private clients
and only take a few appointments by referral.

As my energy improves I will begin doing appearances and
speaking engagements again.

But for you I will be doing some live sessions via chat
or tele-conferencing.

Now many of you have already taken the time to share your questions
and ideas but I want to do some live interactions using some of the
technology out there.

If you decide to participate, you’ll get the benefit of participating
and also helping me work out the kinks.

So, stay tuned since I am going to again solicit your input via a
poll or survey.

Another change will be that I am going to occasionally emailing you
more frequently than just the monthly newsletter.

It won’t be more than once a week–so don’t worry but if you are not
interested, please just unsubscribe now using the link at the very
bottom of this email.

My goal is to introduce you to news or new things and also to get
your opinion.

When I get closer to testing the content for the pet parenting school
you’ll be asked to help with that–and hopefully I can get the animal
career school going again soon.

In the meantime, if you want more interaction please head over to
my Facebook public page here:


3. Article Round Up

Below are the articles I have written since the last newsletter.
Just click in to visit the articles of your choice and feel free to
use the “tell a friend” link at the end of each post to email your
friend the article link or to bookmark your favorite posts.
Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications about the
new content on the web which is why I include the list here.

If you want immediate notification, I’d suggest visiting
http://www.ArkAnimals.Com so you can sign up for the RSS feed.

Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!

June 2010

Ark Animal Tracks June 2010

How to Memorialize Your Pet

World Environment Day (Video)

Warning Bad Pet Behavior is Not Okay

Enriching the Lives of Animals (Video)

Top Training Mistakes Dog Owners Make

Behavior & Diet an often Overlooked Issue

Ark Lady Ponders the Oprah Winfrey Network

Armchair Safari Video Audition on Oprah Winfrey Network

So What Has Changed?

Can Your Reinforce Fear?


Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone
who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and
information related to animals or writing.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Subscriber information will not be
distributed to anyone.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe: If you subscribed electronically,
you may unsubscribe by following the information (or
clicking on the link) included in your verification
email (or the bottom of this email).

If you signed up at an event, you were entered into the
private database and can be removed by following the
same instructions.

Thanks for joining me.

Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.


Copyright © 2010 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

(909) 547-4ARK (4275) Office Line
(909) 781-4ARK (4275) or (800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN 1893361845)
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