Archives for 2010

Social Sites for Animal Lovers

social sites for animal lovers

Social sites for animal lovers that allow interactions are sweeping the web in a mind blowing pace so I thought I would spend a little time to introduce you to how you can connect with other animal enthusiasts.

Professionally I interact at Facebook, Twitter and a little over on LinkedIn as well as in some private paid forums.

But pet lovers and other animals lovers tend to congregate in a few different environments online.

Dog Book and Cat Book are applications and communities you can join if you are on Facebook.

Once in you create a profile for your pets it is possible to interact in a lot of different ways.

In Dog Book you can learn about Parks around the area and add your favorite dog friendly ones. This is great if you like to travel.

Groups are other areas on Facebook where you can interact with others with a common goal or interest and that are optional to add.

Toys is a section where you can earn Petbucks from actions you take and so “buy” toys with those credits.

There are Contests and a few other tabs to explore but I like the Arf Alerts or Meow Alerts.

If you lose your pet you can send out an alert to your network right from Facebook.

Dogster and Catster are two different communities where you can find expert advice and information on pets.

Once you are part of the community, you can make pages for your pets, leave comments and interact in a variety of ways.

There are photo galleries and ways to search out pet professionals in your local area.

You can also find a pet or use applications to find names for your new pet and lots more.

ZooToo has a lot of different information on products, news and blogs within the community.

You can learn where to find animal for adoption, play games and find answers to questions you might have about pets.

There is a vast array of pet websites out in cyberspace and these are a few of my favorites.

You must have a few favorites of your own, so feel free to share those in the comments…and be sure to sign up for advance notice about the Pet Parenting School.

Animal Career Interviews (Video)

I thought you’d be interested in this video from the UK about animal careers and how to individuals obtained their career goals.

The one consideration you should pay attention to is the competition and the trend of combining both experience with education.