Archives for 2010

Service Dogs for Multiple Sclerosis?

MS Balance Dog - Service Dogs for Multiple Sclerosis
Service dogs for Multiple Sclerosis?

I love my subscribers and they have been keeping me busy after I asked them to submit their burning questions.

Lin has progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and respiratory problems and asked whether or not I thought it would be possible to manage a service dog and care for it.

Service dogs are dogs that receive special training to assist people with disabilities.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) dictates that service dogs can be anywhere the person with disabilities goes.

For Multiple Sclerosis, these specialty trained canines are known as balance dogs.

Balance dogs help those who have MS in a number of ways.

MS service dogs can help brace people when they get up and down (beds, seats), help with movement from room to room, and sense when their charge is tired and so will nudge a fatigued person towards a chair (or someplace where he or she can lean).

In addition, they provide a variety of other services and require a special balance harness and sometimes a backpack with supplies.

When out in public, these animals are well behaved and will calmly position themselves out of the way when in a restaurant or in public.

But the service dogs are more than just working animals, they are also loyal companions.

When it comes to balance dogs, another important consideration is the size of the animal since the canine must be large enough to support the weight.

When choosing the prospect it needs to be healthy, well trained and able to perform the tasks needed for the owner.

The normal breeds selected for balance dogs are generally larger breeds such as Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers and sometimes great danes.

Since you have respiratory problems I’d be concerned about allergies and it would be important to determine if you might face additional challenges if you did get a service dog.

I wrote about some aids for dog allergies because there really isn’t a true hypo-allergenic pet and those tips might help you.

There are some breeds that are better for allergy sufferers but it is best to make sure you are not allergic to the particular animal you are considering.

Then you need to make sure that a balance dog could be of assistance based on your personal level of disability.

In addition, you might need help caring for the dog and training the dog and that might make it difficult to own and manage the pet.

So, how do you get a balance dog?

You could train the MS service dog yourself but I believe that you would best benefit from a professionally trained animal and working with a trainer.

Ideally, I would prefer that you obtain a MS balance dog that has already been trained to be a service dog.

Unfortunately there is a lot of service dog fraud and little regulation of the quality of the animals–so training may vary greatly.

Check out any organization you are considering and also talk to those who have received animals from them.

In some cases, you may be able to find financial assistance for a balance dog purchase–and perhaps financial support for the training and upkeep as well.

Don’t hesitate to inquire through your care provider, MS Society (try your local group first) or other organizations that help people with disabilities.

You might also try the following service dog groups for information or referrals:

Thanks for submitting your question Lin and let me know how you fare on this quest.

Last updated 12/29/2016: Since I do not provide referrals or service dogs please contact the agencies listed as resources.

Ark Animal Tracks September 2010

Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks September 2010
Volume 8, Number 9
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2010 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
September News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)

Wow, this year is almost over but exciting things are brewing and

First, we got Judah adopted. (He was the German shepherd that I
worked with in order to help facilitate placement.)

We shot some footage which I hope might be usable for the Pet
Parenting School.

Speaking of which, my grant proposal is being consider for the
Pepsi Refresh Everything grant process.

If approved, I will know October 1st and will need some help with

I’ve known two groups whose vital works did not make it because
they were not able to get votes from their supporters on a daily

So count on me bugging you for the votes.

If funded I’ll be able to make it available in Beta for a low cost
or no cost to work out the glitches and fine-tune the content.

Which brings me to the animal career coaching news.

I’ve decided to again take a limited amount of students for animal
career coaching.

In the past, I ran seminars and weekend trips for students.

Also, those who qualified got my personal introduction for
internships and other animal oriented opportunities.

I want to take a small number of students for a new online coaching
series that will include conference call access and other

If you are interested, see the discussion for the month below for

BTW, The contract was signed with the online publishing group and I
should have some more news on it for you within the next month or

If you have a favorite vet or pet store I’d love to know about it
because they will have an opportunity to partner with me on some
new pet education opportunities and share them with their customers
and clients.

I am also happy to report that I am continuing to improve and
looking forward to some increased activities and to getting back
out in public.

Also, if you submitted a question I am still tackling them on the
blogs. So don’t fret, they are being answered in the order that
they were received.

Okay, that is it for now.

Have you joined me on Facebook yet? I post lots of things at least
once a week there and you can comment or post your photos. Just click
“like” to join:


Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month

Back in the late 1990s I moved from writing about animal careers
into doing seminars and weekend trips.

When I returned to the mountains of southern California I went back
to writing and stopped pursuing the other tasks but now am ready to
introduce a new version of the series.

What this means to those who are dreaming about a career working
with animals is that there is an opportunity to take part in a new
online experience that involves animal career coaching and direct
advice and help from me.

As an industry veteran in both the wild and domestic animal fields,
I offer unparalleled expertise and insight into a variety of
different opportunities and the new career trends—that mean more
opportunities for people.

In addition, I don’t pussy foot around or pull any punches as to
what it takes and what is needed to get there.

So, this month I am seeking a select number of people to enter into
a Beta program for animal careers.

It will help me finalize a more in-depth program that I will be
releasing online in the future.

The first step is for people to apply to participate. At the moment
I am not sure how many people I’ll be accepting.

The cost will be (only divulged to subscribers) per month for a
maximum of six months. Thosewho prefer to pay the entire fee up
front will be able to enroll for (only divulged to subscribers).

If you (or a friend) are seriously interested, here is how to apply
for consideration:

1. Email support with a letter of application describing why you
want an animal career and your ultimate goal and why you should be
2. Attach a current resume with both work and education.
3. Attach three references and any letters of recommendation.
4. List all hands-on animal experience.

You may include other information you feel might be valuable.

Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2010.

Simply hit reply to participate, this opportunity is ONLY available
to subscribers.

3. Article Round Up

Below are the articles I have written since the last newsletter.

Just click in to visit the articles of your choice and feel free to
use the “tell a friend” link at the end of each post to email your
friend the article link or to bookmark your favorite posts.

Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications about the
new content on the web which is why I include the list here.

If you want immediate notification, I’d suggest visiting
you sign up for the RSS feed.

Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!

August 2010 Ark Animals

Ark Animal Tracks August

BLM Wild Horse Management Controversy

Bubbles the Whale

Social Sites for Animals Lovers

Moonridge Animal Park (Big Bear Zoo)

Best Dog Breed for a Child

Animals Using Trampoline (Videos)

Back to School for Pets

Calamine Lotion Pets

Pet Fashion Week Dignified or Disgusting

Declawing Cats What Do You Think

What to Do When Your Pet is Afraid of the Clicker

10 Pet Websites You Might Have Missed

Animal Careers: Need an Animal Career Coach?

Careers with Passion: Animal Careers (Blog Talk Radio)

Animal Careers: Animal Forensics

Animal Career Interviews (Video)

Pet Parenting for All Generations

Pet Parents Teach What They Want

Pet Parents Do the Work Before Adding a Pet

Pet Parenting: Pets & Kids

Pet Treats & Pet Parenting


Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone
who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and
information related to animals or writing.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Subscriber information will not be
distributed to anyone.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe: If you subscribed electronically,
you may unsubscribe by following the information (or
clicking on the link) included in your verification
email (or the bottom of this email).

If you signed up at an event, you were entered into the
private database and can be removed by following the
same instructions.

Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like
to see covered in this newsletter, please visit our online

Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.

Copyright © 2010 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

(909) 547-4ARK (4275) Office Line
(909) 781-4ARK (4275) or (800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN 1893361845)
(800) 805-5489 Sterling Publishing Book Wholesale (ISBN 1402729677)