Archives for 2010

Pet Products: Where do you shop?

Okay, so this week I am doing something different–asking for your input and opinions.

Yes, I will be posting all comments next week so you can get a gander then.

Today I want to know more about where you get your pet supplies.

There is a method to my madness–I promise.

This poll will close in a week so be sure to chime in now!

Animal Career Publications

I recently received an animal career publication that looked like it was written by a charitable trust.

However, after scanning through the information, I found that it was simply a promotional piece about pet care careers that directed people to a specific website.

My reason for bringing this up is that there are a lot of people jumping on the bandwagon to solicit funds from those seeking animal careers.

I wrote about accreditation not too long ago and so think it is important that you understand that not all online information is created equal.

Nor are the programs that are out there all worth it.

Although my animal career coaching application period has closed, I will be opening it again once those people are through the program.

If you missed my Unusual Animal Career series and seminars–including weekend intensives that I started back in the 1990s–you won’t want to miss the new program set to launch sometime next year.

I’ll be spending some time reviewing a few animal career publications that might be helpful to you.

In general, vocational guides and college career guidance can be the most helpful to help you sort through the piles of products being promoted online.

Plus, you don’t have to be a student to take advantage of those resources–simply show up and ask for help since you are seeking a career.

When you go for solid sources of information you will save your self some heartache and tons of time.

Does it mean that all private materials or programs are crap?

No, certainly not.

I’ve been involved in private training programs since my career began and do continuing education online–but you have to know how to sort through the mess to find the gems.

In the next few posts I’ll share some good animal career resources with you but also be sure to sign up for the animal career secrets email list so you don’t miss subscriber only goodies!