Archives for August 2010

Natural Flea Control?

There is a lot of talk about natural flea control these days but people are a bit confused about it.

Natural flea control doesn’t indicate that something is not toxic, only that it is made from natural ingredients.

Pyrethrins for instance, they are derived from a flower. In particular the Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium which is harvested around the world but particularly from Africa.

It is estimated that Kenya produces as much as 70% of the world’s supply of pyrethrins.

But even though the flea control product is made from a natural ingredient, an overdose can result in a toxic reaction in pets.

Adverse reactions include drooling, lethargy, muscle tremors, vomiting, seizures and even death.

One of the reasons it is important to do your research on flea control products and flea medications is because a lot of bad advice is floating around in cyberspace–and even in casual conversations.

There are six different pyrethrins (pyrethrin I & II, cinevin I & II, and jasmolin I & II) but they are not specifically identified on the packaging of the products made from them–only as “pyrethrins.”

Always make sure to follow the directions on the packages of any flea medications you use. Also make sure you use the flea medication made specifically for the type of animal you have.

Dog products should only be used on dogs and cat products should only be used on cats.

Avoid breaking up a larger dose between animals since the wrong dosage could be toxic to you pet.

Ark Animal Tracks August 2010

Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks August 2010
Volume 8, Number 8
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2010 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.

August News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances

1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)

Thanks to all of you who responded to my emails to send in your

The response was so overwhelming that it is going to take a while
to get through all of them!

I did manage to cover three so far and am taking them in the order
they arrived. I’ll include the links in the article round-up below.

Laura sent in a question about cat safety in the forest which resulted
in a two part post.

Debbie wrote in about the dog that died in the heat in South Carolina
and I did a post on with a video from Helen Woodward on just
how fast dogs can die in the car.

They contacted me a couple of times and it got some good attention.

I did include links to the petition about the dog who was left out to
fry in the sun. No word yet on the verdict as his appearance was at the
end of July.

Peter wrote in about flea control in Ohio and I posted the answer over
on the flea treatment blog.

Other news is that I am excited about a new partnership that is brewing.

The contract is with the attorney and I should have some news for you
soon. It will be a great opportunity and exposure.

I’ve been doing great and can’t tell you how great it is to be well after
health challenges for the past couple of years.

There are still a few presenting symptoms but I am going on my first
hikes this week with Shadow.

No word on the Oprah video but I was informed that they are doing
a reality show with anyone who makes the finals—which I am not
too excited about.

One of the reasons I even submitted a video was because I have always
liked the caliber of her shows but a reality show?


Okay, I have more news on the Pet Parenting School but you’ll find it below.

Have you joined me on Facebook yet? I post lots of things at least once
a week there and you can comment or post your photos. Just click “like” to join:


Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month

So, I began posting over at the Pet Parenting School and it is looking
more like 2011 for launch but I hope to have some beta opportunities
for some of you later this year.

Beta means testing things before they go public. I’ve helped in a few
programs where we got reduced fees for help in sorting out the bugs
and giving our input on how to improve the program.

Keep it in mind since I will ask you for your help on assessing the
email course which will be part of introductory phase of the
Pet Parenting School.

I had worked like a crazy person to get a video up for the Pepsi’
Refresh Everything and then missed the submission window last

I was busy with a project and then when I looked at the clock it was
too late. They get flooded with so many applications that if you are
not there in the first five minutes all the slots get filled.

So, I have the application ready to go and will be doing another video to
post and will try again September 1st.

If you want to check out the rough cut video it is here:


One of the things we are doing is filming clips for some education videos.

I’ve been sad about this sweet German shepherd dog who needs a home.

He is the sweetest thing and just loves to please. I hope to have some
footage of him up in a short time.

BTW I think it would be great if any of you are interested (or brave enough)
to have your help.

In the future you’ll be getting some teleclass info but I am also thinking
of doing video analysis of behavior problems and training problems.

Think about it and when the time comes maybe you could help by sending
in some video clips.

So, I am making progress but there is a lot to do in a short time with all
the other demand on my time.
3. Article Round Up

Below are the articles I have written since the last newsletter.

Just click in to visit the articles of your choice and feel free to
use the “tell a friend” link at the end of each post to email your
friend the article link or to bookmark your favorite posts.

Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications about the
new content on the web which is why I include the list here.

If you want immediate notification, I’d suggest visiting
http://www.ArkAnimals.Com so you can sign up for the RSS feed.

Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!

July 2010 Ark Animals

Training a Cat to Sit (Video)

Parrot Tricks (Video)

Pet Allergies & How to Fight Them

Adoption Dance at Nevada Humane (Video)

BP Oil Spill Pet Victims

West Nile Virus & Pets

How Fast Can a Pet Die In a Car (Video)

Cat Outdoor Run

My Cat the Forest Explorer

Top iPhone Applications for Animal Lovers

Captive Animal Culture

Bad Behavior from Animal Rescue

Ark Animal Tracks July 2010

July 2010 Flea Control Secrets

What is the Best Flea Treatment for Your Pet?

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Ohio

Cat Flea Medication Reaction (Video)

Organic Pest Control is the Right Choice

July 2010 Animal Career Secrets

Aquatic Animal Conservation Course Online

Animal Job Forecast

Animal Career in Animal Nutrition

Animal Careers for the Future

Have a great month and stay tuned!

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who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and
information related to animals or writing.

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Copyright © 2010 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
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