Archives for January 2010

Big Cats The Good & The Ugly

This morning I was sent a very disturbing video but it fit in with a recent discussion that I had with a producer about animal attacks.

In the quest to “be one” or “connect with” an animal, people tend to do really stupid things.

A few get close to captive animals, while others climb into enclosures, and still others think that if they have a significant moment such as sustained eye contact, or interactions through feeding an animal, that all will be well in the world.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The video below is disturbing & graphic footage of a tiger that tore off the arm of a spectator who was trying to get a photo. I don’t have all the details for you but the tiger is consuming his arm and he is still alive and waiting for help.

As a counter piece to that video. The next video shows what a big cat will do if he or she likes you.

You can hear the tiger “chuff” in greeting and then “wham!”

Consider it a badge of honor. LOL

More Fish Training (Video)

Okay, I just had to include this video. I love watching training videos and how each individual animal responds!

You can grab your own Fish School here.