Archives for 2009

Consumer Affairs Investigates Flea Treatment

On August 10, 2009 an extensive series on flea treatment and adverse reactions was posted on

Based on reported incidents involving flea treatment products, ConsumerAffairs.Com contacted three of the leading topical flea and tick product manufacturers to discuss the EPA’s “intensified scrutiny” of these treatments and any complaints they had received from pet owners.

ConsumerAffairs.Com contacted Sergeant’s, Central Life Sciences/Farnam Pet Products (Bio Spot brand), and The Hartz Mountain Corporation.

Hartz was the only company that responded.

Click here to find the ConsumerAffairs.Com and Hartz flea treatment discussion.

Mean Little Kitty Video Contest

Over on YouTube.Com a whole lot of videos were submitted to the Mean Little Kitty (Sparta’s) contest to see which one the cats would like best…