Archives for 2009

Ark Animal Tracks October 2009

Diana Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks October 2009
Volume 7, Number 10
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2009 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
October News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances

1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
It is hard to believe that it is October and soon the weather in
the mountains will be colder and require that winter garb be
pulled out of storage.

However, since I am still in San Diego County that won’t be an
issue for me until another week or so.

It is funny but every time I leave town the phone rings with
calls from the media. The television interviews did not pan out
but I did one with People magazine’s online pet edition that
should be out soon.

My stay here has been fun and my pals are calling it my
“health retreat.” I’ve been swimming every day and also
taking the time to sauna and relax in a Jacuzzi at least five
days a week.

Recovery is going well and my endurance is up. However, I still
need to do more to get back to my full energetic self. It has
been frustrating to say the least.

I did have another alternative health assessment and am going to
try the suggestions to see if they take me to the next level.

My time here has been filled with small dog pals and a very
bossy kitty who is now doing much better in his behavior.

Tomcats can be rough, so his learned restraint and new dietary
regime has benefited the owner and the cat’s health.

About 40% of all pets are overweight. This guy has dropped from
weight in the time I have been here and I estimate that he still
has three more pounds to lose before he is at an optimal level.

The result is that he is much more active, can breathe easier,
and can also groom his complete body…and the owner is relieved.

As for me, I am more fit and bronzed and will miss the amenities
when I head home!

Don’t forget that this upcoming weekend (October 4th) is World
Animal Day & the Feast Day of Saint Francis so keep your eyes
open for pet blessings taking place in your area.

In case you don’t know, I wrote a guide to pet blessings and
other animal ceremonies. It goes into the history of the event
and includes prayers and ceremonies for both wild and domestic

Visit the website at or buy
a copy from your local bookseller or online at Amazon or Barnes
& Noble.

In the meantime,

Happy Tails to You & Yours,
Diana L Guerrero
2. Discussion for the Month
If you are a regular reader of the blog you will be happy to see
that I am including more animal training videos.

I wrote about future plans sometime back and will be
implementing some changes soon so that the regular content will
focus heavily on the animal careers, animal training, and animal
behavior problems with some product reviews and other content.

This means I’ll be dropping back to blogging three days a week
on ArkAnimals.Com by 2010.

Many of do not know that I run several different blogs and
keeping up with content can be difficult which is one of the
reasons I have to cut back.

Also, the previous website content, some from as far back as
1995, will be integrated into the blog–and I’ll probably go
with another design.

Blogs are constantly evolving and hopefully this next change
will solidify the look I want across all my blogs.

I invite you to share any videos you like or those of you
training your animals and you’ll see more video and podcasts up
versus written content.

Locally I have some videos that I will begin to edit and post
that will be part of the PetParentingSchool.Com educational

Each fall is a great time for me to focus on writing projects
since the weather can be a challenge for outdoor activities and
outdoor animal training!

Autumn is my favorite time of year and I hope you can enjoy the
change of seasons where ever you reside and will send me in your
home videos for comments!

3. Article Round Up
Below are the articles I have written since the last
newsletter. Just click in to visit the articles of your
choice and feel free to use the “tell a friend” link at
the end of each post to email your friend the article
link or to bookmark your favorite posts.

Most of you have said you don’t want daily notifications
about the new content on the web which is why I include the list

If you do want immediate notification, I’d suggest visiting
http://www.ArkAnimals.Com so you can sign up for the RSS feed.
Directions are on the website and you won’t miss a thing!

September 2009
Animal Behavior Modification Thunderstorm Phobia Video

Llamas Trained to Fetch

Cats Flushing Equals Bigger Water Bill Video

Songs for Unusual Creatures Video

Cat & Dog Love Story Video

Rabbit Trained to Spin (aka Circle) Video

Hope for Animals & Their World Video

Bailey Plays Dead Video

Natural Flea Treatment: Diatomaceous Earth

Bear on Trampoline Video

Fainting Goats (Myotonic Goats) Video

Coral Triangle Initiative Video

Save the Rainforest Video

Angry Leopard Video

Shark Hypnosis Videos

Animal Hypnotic Trance Video

Smoka the Cat Survivor Video

Llama Clicker Training Video

Rabbit Clicker Training Video

Clicker Cat Training Video

Chicken Pets Still Ruffling Feathers Video

Cape Buffalo Black Death Video

Ian Dunbar Talks about Training (TED Video)

Ian Dunbar on Dog Training Video

4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online. I am still not scheduling
much at the moment during my recovery but you can access
it at

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone
who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and
information related to animals or writing.

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Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like
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Copyright © 2009 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

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EPA Flea Advisory Update Imminent

If you have been following this issue for any amount of time, you know that the EPA issued a flea product advisory back in April 2009 related to the spot-on flea products.

Reported negative reactions from topical flea products increased 50% from the previous year which resulted in 44,000 severe reactions and even deaths from selected products.

Then in May an update was made to the EPA website followed by a meeting with representatives of some of the major flea product manufacturers, veterinarians, and other officials.

An update on the issue is to be released this October but in the meantime you can check on the EPA flea and tick scrutiny here.