Archives for February 2009

Deer Walks into Vet Clinic for Help

This is a great story from the Toledo Blade:

An injured, bleeding deer that wandered into the rear of a Rossford pet store Saturday was treated by a veterinary team there, then ran free into a rural area, police reported.

The deer was discovered at about 1:20 p.m. bleeding on the floor of PetSmart, 27161 Crossroads Pkwy.Rossford police Officer Mark Skala, who responded to the call, assumed the animal would have to be put down.

Instead, the store’s veterinary team stitched up the deer’s injured leg and administered antibiotics.

The deer remained calm while it was being treated, then got to its feet and fled, Officer Skala said.

Sarah Palin & Aerial Wolf Hunting (Video)

This campaign is part of the Defenders of Wildlife Eye on Palin which is against the aerial slaughter of wolves.

What kind of self respecting hunter would shoot animals from the air?

And what kind of person would support such actions during this time of global environmental crisis?

You can send an email to Governor Sarah Palin from here.