Volume 6, Number 7
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Online: http://www.guerreroink.com
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
July News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month:
3. Critter Chronicles
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
The good news this month is that I do have some small bursts of energy more frequently. Fortunately I was up enough to head down to Los Angeles to film three different segments for a new Animal Planet series scheduled to air in August.
If I get the air date in advance I’ll let you know.
Other than that I’ve been sticking close to home and resting per doctor’s orders. The up side is that I have time to pleasure read and am immersed in about three books at any one time.
Also, I am working at blogging now and again.
The weather up here has been beautiful and I am a little miffed that I am not able to get out and kayak yet…still too weak.
So, I hope for the best by August and in the meantime, if you want to leave any feedback, or questions, please comment on the blog.
Until next month or next blog post…
2. Discussion for the Month
Our filming appointments have not been as consistent as scheduled. Life seems to have gotten in the way but we are making progress. I have about 12 or more hours of video so far and a couple of other segments with professionals who have agreed to be filmed.
At the moment I am waiting for the edits to be completed on the Unusual Animal Career segment with the Wildlife Artist.
If you have been to the blog lately you know that I am addressing some of the animal career questions submitted by subscribers.
I will also be continuing the series on the blog as I regain my energy.
In the meantime, let me know if there are any particular animal careers you would like to see discussed. If you have sent them already—no need to send again–I will get to them!
3. Critter Chronicles
There has been a lot about primates in the media lately. My colleagues were housing Moe the chimpanzee at their facility when he escaped. He has been missing for over a week and a half and I am presuming that he was bit by a rattlesnake. If you have not read my comments, you can read more at the blog here:
Moe the Chimp Escapes–Still Missing
Most of you know that I don’t advocate exotic animal pets. If you have not read my position statement on exotic pets now.
There was a special that aired about “MonKids” which is what the media has been calling primate pets. The moniker came about because people are attempting to treat the animals like children. (Click the play link again once there to view more clips.)
On the domestic animal side this problem is also increasing. If you head to any pet store you can see the clothing items, jeweled accessories, handbag carriers, car seats, strollers, and other childlike paraphernalia.
Part of this is driven by the pet industry and part of the trend is due to the fact that over 63% of American households have pets and most see them as part of the family…furry kids.
The problem here is that the animals are not being valued or appreciated for who and what they are.
My concern is that the behavior problems caused by improper pet parenting manifest as behavior problems such as aggression. I used to only see it in the affluent families but now it has moved into the mainstream.
I am wondering what you think about this whole trend. Let me know on the blog or drop me a line.
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online. I am not scheduling much at the moment during recovery but you can access it at https://www.arkanimals.com/calendar/
Teleseminar Sign up: http://tinyurl.com/yukf8d
If you would like an animal behavior or training appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone consultations.
Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
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Moe the Chimp Still at Large
Jungle Exotics an animal training facility in Devore, California is run by two colleagues of mine and the facility housed Moe until Friday, June 27, 2008–when the chimp escaped.
I haven’t called them because they have their hands full. Animal escapes happen all the time but Jungle Exotics has always been pretty good on the safety issue.
They also take care of their retired animals. When I got back from Europe I actually went to work for them for a while until I decided what I wanted to do after the culture shock of returning to the USA after a year overseas.
Although accounts say Moe the chimp was rescued in the 1960s, it was more likely that he was purchased for a pet.
Poachers often killed (and still kill) mother animals to obtain young primates for the pet trade.
Contrary to belief, primates do not make good pets.
Today, private ownership is illegal and violates the Endangered Species Act unless you meet certain provisions and are under permit.
The general public has a misconception that chimps are amiable animals from images found in movies and television commercials–captive chimpanzees are not like that image–in fact they are highly dangerous.
I wrote about the St James & LaDonna Davis chimp attack incident in 2005–Moe was the chimpanzee the couple was visiting when two other chimpanzees escaped and attacked St James.
The attack was brutal–and it surprised people. Hello! Can you say wild animal? Have you watched any of the chimpanzee footage of them attacking and eating other primates or attacking rivals?
The Washington Post did a story on the Moe Davis history and the attack incident and stated the HSUS estimate of 15,000 chimps as pets. I think that is an exaggerated figure and would like to know how they arrived at it.
The St James saga has been going on for some time and people are wondering about just how much the issues surrounding Moe and the related incidents are costing–such as this post:
Jungle Exotics is a licensed facility and nearby is another company (Amazing Animal Productions) that faced charges on animal abuse (Animal Legal Defense Fund vs Yost) and was banned from working with chimpanzees as part of the settlement agreement back in 2005.
Speculation around this incident exists as to whether or not Yost was in violation of the settlement agreement.
Despite the fact that Moe was confiscated from the Davises’ West Covina home after he mauled a police officer’s hand and bit off a woman’s fingertip in two 1998 incidents, The UK Sun starts off incorrectly referring to the apes as “monkeys” and states,
but in the same story reports that Jungle Exotics
The quotes come from am Associated Press Release which also appeared in the Los Angeles Times release which actually says,
Just what will provoke the chimp?
That is hard to determine. Anything could but local animal control did not think Moe would be a imminent threat.
Yikes! Staff must have watched those chimps in the career builder commercials.
Chimps can be highly dangerous. Get a look at St James who lost his nose and a few other things during the chimp attack.
Okay, so maybe because because the chimp disappeared in a fairly rural area and is in forest terrain they think he wouldn’t be a problem–but that is a risky assumption.
When first asked about this I suspected that Moe would turn up at someone’s home and according to this video he first showed up at the caretakers house and then turned up at a remodeling project scaring the workers.
Why authorities were not notified earlier is unknown.
Chimpanzees are omnivores but are known to kill and eat the meat–but a coyote is more likely to have grabbed the neighbor’s chicken as reported in the video. I’d want to know what animal tracks were near the fence before reporting such a thing.
Helicopters have not flushed the chimp and he has not been sighted since he escaped and frightened the workers.
As of today, Moe the chimpanzee has been missing for just over a week. Due to the high numbers of rattlesnakes in the area–it does not look good.
Sightings can be reported to Animal Care and Control at (800) 472-5609.
Read more on the incident:
Whittier Daily News
Los Angeles Times: Moe the chimp part one and Moe the chimp follow up report.
CBS 2 reports Moe the chimp is missing.
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin report on Moe the chimp.