Archives for 2008

Ark Animal Tracks: August 2008

Diana L. Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks:  August 2008
Volume 6, Number 8
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
August News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month: Shook Up by the Earthquake
3. Critter Chronicles: Miss Crustacean Contest
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Wow, can you believe it is August? Time seems to slip by. Here on the mountain people are vacationing. Due to the lack of energy I’ve been unable to kayak or hike. I was mulling this over with an author pal who is battling cancer and we both agreed that the lack of energy is disheartening.

Needless to say, I am hoping for a change in the next couple of weeks and in the meantime am going for another opinion.

This month I was the guest on the Queen Mary courtesy of wholesale pet product distributor. The event showcased different products and manufacturers and I was particularly taken with a Eco-friendly cat litter product that also comes in a biodegradable bag. I’ll be writing more about this on the blog shortly.

As for the Queen Mary, we were excited to be there but disappointed that the place was a bit run down. The artwork gracing the Grand Ballroom and other parts of the ship was stunning—but none of it was protected.

It was good to get away. I also headed out to the desert for some rest and relaxation. This time of year most people avoid the desert—but I love it because it is quiet. My particular attraction to the desert is the mineral pools. The hot water comes from natural hot springs that are known for their therapeutic properties–and I have memories of visiting one spa as a child.

I hope you are not falling for the “stay-cation” being promoted by the media. You can usually find great bargains and have a real mini-vacation in close proximity to where you live.

We’ve had a blast taking mini-vacations (mostly due to our time constraints) and hope you will be enjoying the same.

Until next month or the next blog post…
2. Discussion for the Month
It must have been a slow news day on July 29, 2008. I first heard about the earthquake outside of Los Angeles from some of my Twitter pals who were a bit shook up by the quake.

In case you are not familiar with earthquakes, a 5.4 earthquake seldom does much damage but when I did turn on the television almost every network was covering the story.

These days I never watch the network news–preferring to get my news online. You seldom get real news from the TV and most newscasters are more like commentators instead of good journalists.

When we had the 6.7 here the after shocks that got your attention were 5.6 and up. It does rattle your nerves but fortunately that is about all—except for some minor damage if you have unsecured items and are near the epicenter.

My point in bringing this up is to remind you to create an emergency kit for you and your pets. Don’t believe the three day supply rule—plan for at least seven days. Today you can save on space by using freeze dried and canned foods in your pet’s kit.

The booklet I wrote on Animal Disaster Preparedness for Pet Owners & Pet Professionals has tips and hints for before, during, and after disasters. If you don’t have a copy yet, you can get one from our online store at

There are many threats that could impact you and your family so if you are not prepared. August is the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina so I urge you to take a couple of hours and take action this week for the safety of all those you love.

Finally, I just realized that I need to do some revisions on the booklet so keep your eyes out for a special offer I will be making in the new future to get a copy at no charge.
3. Critter Chronicles
Every month is filled with animal activities and August is no exception. My favorite activity is the Miss Crustacean contest held in Ocean City.

Now there is even a tongue-in-cheek formal association, NASCRAB (The National Association of Crab Activities at the Beach) to oversee the event.

The year the contest will take place on August 6, 2008 at 1:00pm at Sixth Street Beach with awards of a cash prize of $35 and the traditional Cucumber Rind Cup given to the winning beach beauty who tends to consume the tasty treat.

It isn’t clear if the funds will be awarded in US currency or in sand dollars (hermit crab money). The amount is said to be worth about $35,000 to the hermit crab community due to the exchange rate.

Mark Soifer, founder of the Miss Crustacean Pageant said, “The $35 prize is even more significant as this is the 35th year of the pageant.”

Because of the substantial cash prize, additional precautions are being taken for security and crustaceans that have competed in the Ocean City’s Extreme Hermit Crab Wrestling tournaments will be on hand to control rowdy spectators.

Miss Crustacean has been featured as a question on the television quiz show, Jeopardy and been named one of the nation’s 10 most unusual events by U.S. News and World Report.

Coverage of the Miss Crustacean contest has been translated into Japanese, German, and featured on the Spanish worldwide television network, in the London Sunday Times, in the Wall Street Journal, and more.

Past winners have included such legends as Crabunzel, Crabahontis, Crabopatra, Copacrabana, Pirates of the Crabibbean and Crab McMuffin.

Once the judges have made their decision, the victorious crab waddles down the runway to a rendition of, “Here It Comes, Miss Crustacean!”

Hermit Crab races take place immediately following the pageant with upwards of 150 crabathletes plodding and clunking over an 8-foot plywood oval.

A bugler sounds the call at the starting gate (a plastic cake dish cover) before each heat. Winners from each round compete in the championship round where the winner is declared, “The King of Klutz” and awarded with a plaque that says so.

The world’s record of 6.3 seconds was set 30 years ago by Hermie who has since departed this world. Hermie’s record remains an inspiration to all crabs competing today.

Finally, contest officials want to make it clear that hermit crabs are not indigenous to the area and should not be left on the beaches to fend for themselves. They would not survive the winter and could pose environmental hazards to indigenous wildlife.

Humans who do not wish to keep their crabs after the pageant and races should give them to NASCRAB officials who will provide a home for them. Information on how to care for hermit crabs will be distributed at the events.
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online. I am not scheduling much at the moment during recovery but you can access it at

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If you would like an animal behavior or training appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone consultations.

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
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PO Box 1989 PMB 215
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Montauk Monster Mystery: Solve the Issue & Comment

Above Montauk Monster photo courtesy of 

Although I am still a bit under the weather I thought I’d let you comment on the photo above. The “Montauk Monster” has been making the news.

My bet: It is a decomposing dog that was tragically tied up before it was drowned. Juice is supposed to have the photographer and person who found in an interview on Friday. The problem with identification is that the details are not clear and there is no scale to compare it to.

In the meantime, people are speculating it is a turtle (sorry doesn’t have canines) and some sort of griffin (the alleged beak) or an alien. I’ve read that it has webbed paws but water dogs (breeds that spend time in the water have webbed paws).


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