Archives for 2008

Bear Attacks & Other Musings

KBAK Bakersfield Bear Attack Location PhotoLeft: Bear attack photo courtesy of the news source that covered the story of Allena Hansen on July 23, 2008.

Although I answered this question in the comment area a few posts ago, it was important enough for me to want to write another post about bear attacks and get into the bigger picture as related to some of the problems we are experiencing with wildlife.

Our society has really gotten way off track in relation to animals and nature. Today we think nothing of using the individually packaged items that pollute our earth and using toxic chemicals to clean and poison our environments.

In my lifetime we went from recycleable bottles and a few cleaning products to an insane plastic using society where we now use plastic in about everything from paper diapers to personal water bottles and have specialty cleaning products for just about everything.

When we upgrade our appliances and computers today we only find non-fixable, non-compatable components–right down to non-reusable and non-fixable clothing imported from countries that don’t value the humans that make them.

In my opinion, we have really made a mess that continues to negatively impact our environment and the animals in it.

I live on the edge of the wilderness and get sick of picking up the trash of those who visit our pristine forest, streams, and use the lake for recreation while they pollute the very areas of wilderness they access.

Then there are those who have this sick fascination or bizarre fantasies about animals…but that is for another rant.

Feeding wildlife has become a huge industry that also unfortunately habituates animals to humans and then when they act out–the critters are blamed for it.

There are humans who build in the remaining areas animals have been crammed into . I see more and more huge housing developments (or second homes) being built in pristine areas. Those residents fail to take precautions and fail to understand the risks that might be involved or to adapt their behavior around the existing wildlife.

So what does this have to do with the bear attack?

The bear attack on Allena Hansen occuried in a remote area on the fringe of a fire area. We experienced large fires here last year and as a result the wildlife has moved closer to (and into) human residential areas.

I’d be interested in knowing just what resources were on the property (food, trash, water) that would attract the bear. If the dogs had not distracted the bear she might have died.

Dogs can be a help or a hindrance and in Allena Hansen’s case they helped her to escape.  The DNA analysis revealed that the attack was by an American black bear.

Most people think that brown bears (such as Grizzlys) are more of a danger but predatory and other black bear attacks have been on the increase.

In fact, here is a page of some bear attacks and an article about the increase in black bear attacks from 2005 (PDF).

Unlike brown bears, if attacked by a black bear you need to fight back. If you like or hike in wilderness areas carry bear spray and make noise.

I have other articles on the topic on the Fawnskin Flyer where you can also pick up other valuable links.

What do you think about the increase in attacks–let me know below.

Pet Products on the Queen Mary


Above: Why I was a guest on the Queen Mary

Occasionally I get to escape with my handsome man (HM) to different cities or events. Not too long ago we were the guests of a wholesale pet product distributor who put us up at the Queen Mary.

Above: The Hotel at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California.

Although I grew up in the area, I never spent much time visiting the ship. My brother had his prom on the Queen Mary and I served as his chauffeur but that was the last time I was anywhere near the ship.

Above: View of the Queen Mary on board.

The enormous ship is amazing but sadly much of the interior is not as fantastic as you would expect. It needs some TLC and elbow grease. The lights are dim enough that unless you look closely you miss most of the wear and tear and dirt.

Above: Another view of the ship.

All of our friends were excited that we were going to stay on board the haunted vessel–and one friend confessed that she used to play a stow away in some of the campy old shows they used to stage on the ship.

Above: Yellow Cab Co-Op lets you arrive in style.

The Queen Mary has an interesting history since the luxury liner transported the weathy but then was used to move troops during World War II.

Above & Below: Views of our state room on the Queen Mary

Our room was surprising  large. Much larger than my cruise ship experiences. The lighting was very poor and if you are claustrophobic the ventilation leaves something to be desired as well.

Above: Entry & table in our state room.

However we were looking forward to the adventure and after a long drive were excited to arrive. Our bellman was fabulous and we soon settled in.

Above: The state room bathroom was spacious.

As instructed we poked around to explore the ship. It would be really easy to get lost as it is so big.

Above: Hallway of Queen Mary.

Above: View from our port hole.

Above: LONG hallways of the ship.

Above: Art work on the Queen Mary

Above: Another breathtaking area of the Queen Mary.

Above: Cameo of Queen Mary

We were attending the open house of a large pet product supplier who had invited a number of vendors and manufacturers to display and promote their wares.

Above: Artwork in the Grand Ballroom

The highlight of the venue was the reception in the Grand Ballroom. The vast hall must have been something as it was stunning to look at still. The disappointment for me was that the lovely artwork and etching were not protected and some idiots had damaged parts of the artwork to leave their marks.

Above & Below: Bird art in the Grand Ballroom of the Queen Mary

On some of the paintings the wear was beginning to show since anyone could put their hands onto the images.

They artwork and construction of the ship were amazing.

Above: Grand Ballroom of the Queen Mary

Although we had a great time, I was there to keep an eye out for new products.

I have to say that I was most impressed by a cat litter that is really eco-friendly from the packaging to the product.

 Above: Close to Nature Cat Litter

Close to Nature Cat Litter is made from soybeans. It clumps but doesn’t destroy the earth like clay litters do.

Also, once used it can be used in the garden if you choose to do so. The new packaging is biodegradable–making it a great product and a true eco-friendly product.

The Organic Farm Store online manufacturers the product and I have someone testing the product now. If you want to give Close to Nature Cat Litter a try click here and then let me know your opinion.