Archives for 2008

National Pet Memorial Day

Above: Early pet burial ceremony courtesy of Hartsdale Pet Cemetery.

Today is National Pet Memorial Day. Pet burials and pet loss ceremonies are common today and members of the International Association of Pet Cemeteries (IAPC) hold the memorial in honor of all departed pets.

The Hartsdale Pet Cemetery will be celebrating by hosting an interfaith blessing of the animals, along with a pet adoption event, and a canine demonstration. I wrote about this pet cemetery in Blessing of the Animals because it is one of the oldest pet cemeteries in the United States.

Today the average cost to bury a pet averages about $1,500, but can run upward of $5,000 while the average cost of cremation is about $200 to $300.

Read an article about National Pet Memorial Day or the history of pet burials.

House Training Aids

Okay, so I’ve spent the whole week talking about house training dogs and puppies so I know you want to see some of the products that can help you. The dog toilets can be found on the previous post but here are some other good items to plan on adding to your arsenal.

If you are not picking up on your dog’s signals that he or she has to go–try some of the pet bells or door chimes.

Gotta Go Dog Doorbell This is a great gift because it also comes with a training book.

Tell Bell helps train you to let out your dog when he or she has to go out to potty.

If you want to get a bit more high tech you can get this doggie doorbell system.

Order the Pet Chime: Wireless Electronic Pet Doorbell.

Get Serious is one of my favorite urine clean up products on the market. Order Get Serious.

Order Nature’s Miracle Stain & Odor Remover
Nature’s Miracle has a huge following and remains one of the most popular pet clean up aids.

If you need help finding out where the accident areas are, use this black light. Order the Stink Free Stink-Finder Ultra-Violet Light & Flashlight