Archives for 2008

Cat Livin’s Cat Climber

If you are an urban dwelling cat enthusiast I know you will find this new cat pet product to be purr-fect cat for you.

Called the Cat Climber, it is actually a cat scratching post and feline perch together in one good looking product.

Finally someone has come out with a product that isn’t bulky and looks fabulous–plus it hangs on any door!

Wait, it gets better.

The whole Cat Climber dismantles so that it fits in a nice little box which is great for shipping–and it is convenient to pack up if you have to move or ever store it.

Left: Detail of the hanging device for the Cat Climber by Cat Livin.

I was fortunate to meet Angela and Jeremy in Las Vegas. We attended their party at The Hotel where their fabulous products were highlighted and where we could see them in action.

Angela & Jeremy are cat lovers and cat owners who were driven to create products for themselves and others who don’t like the existing, bulky products currently on the market.

Cat Livin designs fit into the urban landscape in a much nicer way than some of the other products I have seen. The great thing about the product line is that they tested the products and cats really like them.

Right: Cat Livin’s Cat Garden and the Wedge Cat Scratching Post (still under refinement).

Left: The Ottoman designed for scratching and a nice place to hide.

I can’t wait to see what else this duo comes up with. In the meantime, you can order any of the Cat Livin products directly.

Ark Animal Tracks: September/October 2008

Diana L. Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks: September/October 2008
Volume 6, Number 9 & 10
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
September/October News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month:
3. Monthly Roundup
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
I hope you enjoyed the Animal Disaster Preparedness Guide. The reason I am combining the September/October newsletter is because I spent the time getting the document updated instead of writing my newsletter…but I am sure you forgive me. I hope you told a friend to stop by to sign up for the download.

If not, you can just click on the “Tell A Friend” at the end of each page or send the link directly from

I have updated the document which now includes photos courtesy of the FEMA (Federal Emergency Disaster Agency). If you would like to see some of the photos from many different disasters around the nation you can get the updated version by visiting the resources page.

In September I took a trip to Las Vegas for the annual pet industry trade show and found a few new great products. I enjoy catching up with old friends and making new contacts. Look for some more of my stories from that trip in the near future.

Did you catch my appearances on Animal Planet? I didn’t get the air dates but anticipate getting a copy of the shows after they air…which was supposed to be at the end of September.

My recovery is ongoing but I am at least able to be more active now. Can you believe it is already October?

Until next month or the next blog post…
2. Discussion for the Month
October is filled with pet celebrations that include pet blessings, barktoberfest, and howl-o-ween. As more and more pet parents celebrate with their pets, it is also a time to take precaution for pet safety during the festivities.

Pet blessings occur throughout the year but escalate during early October during the celebrations of the Catholic Feast Day of St Francis and World Animal Day. Here in the United States blessings take place from San Francisco to New York.

If you have read my book, Blessing of the Animals then you know about the popular blessing of the animals events take place at St Boniface in California, Duke Cathedral in North Carolina, and the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York.

Although there were a few early trend setters, the pet party momentum really began in the 1990s and people keep adding more creative ceremonies each year.

Barktoberfest is a real party scene–but since beer isn’t good for pets most savvy pet owners buy pet friendly Bowser Beer or Happy Tail Ale

Howl-o-ween is a time when many people dress their pets up to celebrate. A 2007 survey by Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) revealed that close to 46% of pet owners costumed their pets. Another 22% planned to wear coordinating costumes to match those of their pets while only 32% refused to wardrobe their dog or cat.

However, Halloween is also a dangerous time for pets. Most animal shelters won’t adopt out black pets during the few weeks before the holiday to avoid risk of ritual sacrifice.

Here are a few pet party safety tips for Halloween:

  • Keep animals confined on Halloween. Seclude them safely in a room away from the door and distractions.
  • Walk pets before dark to avoid any altercations with costumed characters.
  • Make sure party pets are wearing current identification. If an animal bolts and escapes this will get him or her back home.
  • Store and dispense candy so that it is not accessible to pets. Many treats are toxic and even lethal to pets.
  • Avoid the liability that comes from dressing up your pet and sending the critter out trick-or-treating with kids.
  • Don’t dress up pets unless they love it. If you do dress them up make sure the costume isn’t annoying or unsafe.
  • Avoid restriction of movement, vision, hearing or the ability to breathe or vocalize. Costumes should not contain small dangling accessories that could be consumed or cause choking.
  • Restrict your pet’s access to decorations. Jack o’lanterns with candles are obvious fire hazards, but cats can also get tangled in streamers. Pets can also become ill from eating holiday decor.
  • House animals indoors just before and during Halloween. This protects pets from pranksters who tease, injure, steal, or kill animals.
  • Keep pets away from costumed ghouls and goblins. Halloween bites are not uncommon. Even friendly animals may bite due to stress, fear, or protective aggression.

3. Critter Chronicles
I am spending more time writing and have ended up doing several series on specific topics at

Eventually, I’ll have an editorial calendar with specific topics for each day of the week. So far the topics on the list include animal careers, behavior, training, new products, breaking news and more—but I am still working at getting my energy up to speed again.

In the meantime, if you have not visited the blog here are a few of the features I thought would be of most value. Since the

Music for Pets

Animal Disaster Series

Hurricane Pet Safety Tips

Cat Urinating & Litterbox Issues

Cat & Human Pregnancy Issues

Dog Toilet Training Series

Senior Dogs

Puppy Mill Awareness Day

4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
My calendar is now live online. I am not scheduling much at the moment during recovery but you can access it at

Teleseminar Sign up:

If you would like an animal behavior or training appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone consultations.

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and information related to animals or writing.

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Copyright © 2008 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Web Email Form:

(909) 547-4275 Office Line
(800) 818-7387 Events & Media
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