Archives for 2007

Santa Whales

There has been a big outcry over the Japenese whaling efforts. This article weaves complaining over the whaling with an outcry about the santa hats on the Beluga whales at a Japanese aquarium . I find it interesting that nobody is complaining about the outfits the staff are being made to wear!

Personally, I really think there are more important issues to pursue. All captive animals are used for entertainment of some sort. It is the human perception or perspective that is the only thing that is different.

I remember when dolphins used to pull boats around in different skits but after more and more public outcry, the skits changed. Today, the public withnesses the same behaviors (dolphins pull and push objects naturally) in a more palatable manner.

Which is better?

Granted, the educational aspect is an important one. The only reason people end up caring about animals is when they have an understanding about them–or a close encounter.

Perhaps I am skewed having been around the animal field for some time–because I don’t judge the activities that give animals mental stimulation and a quality environment–human perspective is often skewed by judgement calls that have little to do with the reality.

Does this mean I support santa hats on whales?

Hmm, I just see the hats as props for the seasonal visitors and doubt the whales mind them.

How about pets that are wearing different clothing or costumes? I guess the question really is, are we making animals into toys or dolls instead of seeing them for the intriguing creatures they are?

I worry more about all the special effects in the movies. They give animals voices, have them exhibit anthropomorphic (humanlike) traits and emotions, and generally make a mess out of things.

That is why whenever a particular breed is featured, suddenly a big demand for the animal sweeps the country. Some examples? 101 Dalmations, Lady & the Tramp, Eight Below, Call of the Wild, the Incredible Journey…and then there are the television animal actors…

There I go, heading into a rant again…back to the topic…

On the other hand, people tend to forget that every culture is different and want to force change or fix things based on their cultural perspective or belief system.

I remember getting in trouble for training animals in captive situations–and now it is common place for mental stimulation and husbandry. You see, I came from a background of training animals for cooperative behavior and not the “let’s keep them in a wild state” mentality that was rampant at the time.

It never made sense to me. So, the animal is in captivity, was born in captivity, and we are going to pretend they are still in the wild?

We are a mess aren’t we?

Today, people are dressing up their pets and indulging in upscale purchases for bowls, beds, and other pet supplies. Is this crossing the line? Who is ultimately responsible for how animals are viewed?

I’d be interested in your thoughts on this issue. Please do comment below.

How to Subscribe to Ark Animal Answers

If you have no idea what RSS, XML and syndication are, this summary is for you!

Are you confused about what XML, RSS, Web Syndication, and Web Feeds are? Take a few minutes to read the definitions from Wikipedia on XML, RSS, Web Syndication and Web Feeds since that is a good place to start.

In a nutshell RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is used to syndicate or subscribe to the feed of a website, blog and media content of all types. Through syndication you no longer have to actually go to visit the website or blog in order to read the latest.

Instead, feed reading software allows you to read the latest articles from one place—usually through an aggregator or feed reader. Syndication is an efficient way to access the content you find interesting.

XML is the formatting language that software and websites use to distribute the content to your feed reader. You don’t really need to know much about XML just that it is the language behind syndication.

Web Based Feed Reading vs Feed Reading Software
I currently use Google Reader to access all my favorite blogs because it ties into the other services I use online by Google. However, there are other feed reading software programs and a Google search for RSS reader brings up many options.

Stand alone software feed readers must be installed on the computer you use in order to access to your favorite feeds. This can be limiting and so this is why many people use a web based feed reader. Bloglines is one of the more popular readers and is similar to feed reading software except it is entirely based on the Internet.

I use Google Reader so I can access my favorite syndicated feeds online from any computer connected to the web.

Subscribing to this Blog
At the top right corner you will see an orange RSS link button. To subscribe to the Blessing of the Animals feed just click on the button, copy and paste that link into your feed reading software or your web based reader like Google Reader.

Sometimes you might have to name the feed. This feed is named, “Blessing of the Animals.” The RSS feed link for this site is actually and if you click the link, you will see the XML output of this blog.

You don’t really need to know much about this but feel free to click the link and have a look. I use a special service called FeedBurner because it adds extra features to my feed output and also tells me how many people subscribe to this blog.

Just so you know, all blogs will have a link from which you can subscribe. The names can very and so you might find it called Atom, RSS, or Syndicate–they all do the same thing. The names vary because there are different standards to create web syndication services.

RSS is designed to make your Internet life easier. Don’t be nervous about it if you are new to the system. Become familiar with this technology because if you can stay on top of technology it will save you time and confusion later on.

Thanks for your interest in the Ark Animal Answers!