Archives for 2007

Kern River Beavers

Did you hear about the beavers who were given a death sentence because they chewed a few park trees? Fortunately, the public outcry changed everything.

We encroach more and more on wildlif–but the answer is not to kill them because they are inconvenient.

Check out this story about the Bakersfield beavers and the blog about the Kern River beavers that sparked some interest and a new blog with one post and 184 comments (when I checked).

Here is the video:

Ark Animal Answers: Dog Park Safety

Join animal behaviorist & author Diana L. Guerrero for an audio safari into the animal kingdom. In this episode of Ark Animal Answers animal expert Diana L Guerrero discusses dog park safety. Runtime: 06:09

Ark Animal Answers Critter Cast: Dog Park Safety Tips