I just finished an interview with a national magazine and said that I would suggest some videos for cat enrichment. You can try these at home yourself!
Archives for November 2007
Doggie DI Boot Camp–Happiness is a Job Well Done
To say that I am happy is an understatement. Today I entered my client’s home to find two very happy, calm dogs and a super happy dog owner. The gals have been doing well and have been in the house. In fact, they were inside when I arrived.
It was all I could do not to have tears run down my face–it makes my heart happy.
The two canines were all smiles and waggy tails. They missed me as I missed them and I was dubbed Auntie Diana by the dog owner. It is a label I accept happily and a badge of honor I get from most of my clients.
The owner told me I was the last shot for them. If they had not settled they were not going to be able to stay in the home. As I chatted with her, she recounted all the things they have been doing well. Music to my ears.
The puppy, well she is a different matter.
And the pig, well she thinks life has gone to the dogs.
We reviewed a few things and worked on getting the dogs to station on the deck away from the back door. They did well for me but not so well for the owner. I had wanted to train that behavior the next morning after they returned home but that did not happen.
However, they do maintain good positioning away from the door at an acceptable distance and that may be what is now the default.
The dogs and owner play kick ball and other games. Thepups also have lots of great chew toys and have not touched a thing in the yard–other than trying to steal Miss Piggy’s bed–they are doing super.
The pup and dog “B” were taken on another toleration walk. The walking is a happy event and creates a positive association between dog “B” and the pup.
Once back in the home, the pup was still obnoxious but the toleration from dog “B” exists where it didn’t before. She even let the pup sniff her and walk over her without growling and snapping. Good progress indeed.
Tomorrow the family is off on their first big trip with the good dogs. They will be checking in but I think they are truly integrated and won’t need to see me again any time soon–if ever.
AND tomorrow is my first real day off in a month–I think I’ll try to not do a thing!
Yeah, right.