They were good upon entry just not so hot on leashing up. I figured we should hit the play pen before heading out so they could blow some steam.
They were pretty good and actually ran to explore–alas, my hopes were dashed since that only lasted a minute BUT that was a good sign. Almost normal dog activity.
In a strange twist of activity, the duo really didn’t want to chase and bring back the kick ball. They would chase it, then turn around and wait for me to toss or throw something else. They did not want to bring back anything today.
THEN I gave them the new toy. You can see how much interest was in it in the pictures. This was short lived, but the main thing is to get them to pick up and chew other appropriate objects.
I brought two cow hooves to let them have something to chew instead of their beds and surroundings–but we shall see how that works when I arrive.
Since the duo likes to play with each other, I made sure the toy I picked up had at least three handles so they could grab it and torment each other with it. This worked well.
The gals were also too wound up to be their mannerly selves on the ball toss. They kept attempting to grab or mouth the balls in my hand. Geez, they got in a LOT of trouble–and we had massive delays in play and exiting the play pen just because they would not comply.
In fact, I had to leave dog “B” in the pen she was so awful. I left her leashed up without a problem. In the past, the dogs would destroy their leashes and collars. Basically, they are nudists.
I worked dog “A” solo in the compound and in their quarters. She did fabulous on her basic ‘sit” and “down” and on the gating and leash manners. I left her to try with dog “B” again.
No such luck with “B.” Dog “B” was NOT going to sit for me to come in the gate.
So, I left her again.
This time dog “A” and I exited the compound and went for a short walk. The good news is that dog “B” did not pitch a fit.
When we returned dog “A” and I attempted another time–and no go–dog “B” is a stubborn brat.
So, dog “A” got to go back to the quarters for a tummy rub–which dog “A” loved. She is almost a collapsable dog for that reward.
Dog “A” got a chew toy and I left to try with dog “B” again.
Did I mention that Dog “B” also pitches a fit with the remote spray collar? She doesn’t like being disciplined for bad behavior and trys to get at the collar after a spray. I don’t know that she actually realizes what she is after–she just pitches a fit when she doesn’t get to do what she wants.
If you try using a special collar device you need to habituate the dog to it before the actual use. That was the dog does not distinquish that the collar is also the reprimand device.
Anyway, back to dog “B.” Sometimes she is the best of the two but when she gets stubborn, well it is ugly. I think it took about forty minutes to finally get her to comply.
Mind you, I leave, come back to try again, leave, ignore her, try again, leave and work the other dog, try again, turn my back, try again, and finally she decided she should probably comply as her tactics were not working.
Again, most people would give up but not me, the doggie di is on a mission!
Once out after the long arduous process, dog “B” was pretty good. so, we all got to go for a nice hike and got a view of the most recent fire burning in this area. The last one provided a pretty good fire break but friends are in danger and and that is not good.
The gals were really happy to get their chews tonight. Both threw them in the air and played with them while I fixed “dinner.” I took away the nasty bottles and hope to give them a couple of new toys tomorrow, too.
Chewers, and other deliquents, need between 6 and 12 toys at all times. I like to have them rotated. If you have appropriate chew items, the dogs are less likely to chew your stuff AND you can redirect them to the proper chew item when they pick up something else.
Both gals also are coming along on their “downs.” They both remembered–although dog “B” wasn’t in the mood–the doggie di won out anyway.
So, depending on what goes on tomorrow we may get out on the long line and into a house!