Archives for August 2007

Animal Career Secrets Explores Animal Business Franchises

Animal Career Secrets Explores Animal Business Franchises. All content copyrighted 2007 by Diana L Guerrero. Some rights reserved.

I am pondering some longer articles on specific careers but had a thought about some of the current trends I am seeing. The trend is towards animal franchises. Franchises are established businesses that have a whole strategy behind them. They usually include national advertising, demographic studies as to where might be the best location to open shop, branding or name recognition, and much more.

If you are engaging in a profession that is a business that doesn’t deal with live critters that is one thing, but if it is something that requires skill—well, that is a whole other ball game. I recently came across two different franchises that concern professions that require skill for handling animals…skill that is developed over time or that comes from academic training, certification, or years of experience.

I have heard complaints about one of them–because it is related to dog training and behavior–but the other sort of shocked me.

My concern is that not everyone has the skill sets to engage in these specific professions. I need to do more research and exploration before I give a final opinion, but over time I have seen more harm than good for well meaning but unskilled people who are working with animals.

Franchises usually mean that you will be successful because they have a proven business plan and follow that successful model. They often provide ongoing education for a fee. You buy into the franchise and then pay the franchise a regular fee.

In these days I am pretty sick of the big box stores and lack of personality, not to mention customer service, behind many businesses, so I am leery of animal franchises beyond pet product retailers.

I am going to be traveling this week but be sure that I am going to get into the topic in depth in the future.

Diana L Guerrero is an animal career specialist and has extensive experience in many areas of the animal world. A well known animal expert, she has worked professionally with animals for over thirty years. Guerrero is the author of several books and the host of the syndicated, Ark Animal Answers.

Pet Accessories & Other Musings

Well, FlexPetz has still been coming up in the news and I had a few musings about the topic of rent-a-pet which is part of the pet craze (aka craziness) sweeping affluent society (read: those who have more expendable income).

Now I am going to generalize here by saying that people don’t seem to want long term commitments and although they like the idea of a companion animal, they want it easy and convenient.

Tons of animals end up in shelters–millions (12 million according the the ASPCA last I heard) and most problem animals just need a bit of training, attention, and activity to be great pets.

The dog fancy really took off in the Victorian Era after the Queen began appearing with a Pekingese. I see similarities today with celebrities and their pets. Are we really so besotted that we are going crazy?

Pets have become the new furry kids but also they are appearing more and more like living dolls or accessories–and that worries me.

Granted, I am happy animals are more important to people but I also would like them to be recognized for who and what they are–different creatures from humans and not some accessory for the day, weekend, or event.

My musings started on this topic after last week’s blogosphere comments about FlexPetz but also because this next weekend is the Second Annual Pet Fashion Week–a blend of pet industry products and fashion. The title is a bit misleading since the fashion shows take place on the weekend.

Anyway, take a gander at some of the photos (courtesy of the Pet Fashion Week website gallery) and let me know what you think. The still photograph was taken by Daniel Gagnon (see more) while the runway shot was snapped by Traer Scott (see more) Beautiful photography…

Above: Canini 2006 Photo by Daniel Gagnon

Above: American Pup 2006 by Traer Scott

If you want to see these models in action visit this link at Pup Style with Dara Foster or view the official Pet Fashion Week video collection. I imagine they will have the new 2007 videocasts up shortly after the shows this next weekend.

Pet Fashion week raises money for a variety of charities and this year guests will have fun while helping to raise funds for the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, an umbrella organization for over 130 animal welfare organizations. Legally Blonde is the theme and the cast of the musical will be attending the kick-off party (read more).

So beyond Pet Fashion Week…this article talks about some of the current pet trends but I take issue with the statement by Tom Berger that says,

“I read somewhere that, not too many years ago, 80 percent of dogs lived outside. Today, 80 percent live inside…”

That is certainly not true in my area of the world. Maybe it is in some cities but I’d be more comfortable with a source on that statistic. Anyone have it?

Finally, here is another article about custom pet furniture for animals living in the lap of luxury

So, give me your thoughts about this topic…do you think pets are becoming accessories or valued family members?…what works for you and what irritates you? I’d love to read your comments.