Archives for 2006

Animals in the News

The article reports an alleged wolf attack on pets.

I thought you would like this article on elephants. In captivity elephants require a high degree of activity to keep them fit and footwork to maintain the soles of their feet. Vascualar activity is augmented by movement. Anyway, although the quote says that elephants can be sweet–make not mistake–they remain wild animals and big powerful ones at that!

My pal Carol (of Tonight Show fame and who resides at the San Diego Wild Animal Park) painted a picture when I worked with her. It hangs on my wall along with a photo of us working on it. Here is some elephant art you might be interested in reading about.

I enjoyed seeing this commentary on exotic pets. Earlier this week someone sent me an email thanking me for the wolf dog hybrid series mentioning the woman referenced in this article. For twenty plus years I’ve maintained that wolf dogs are not good pets. I still stand by that statement.

Good job for a dog…sniffing out turtles!
Dog parks are not always safe places these days. Facilitated gatherings are much better choices.

Soft dogs don’t make good police canines...straight from the UK.

Wild Animal News

I thought you might like to read this article concerning some verified wolf predation on livestock.

One of my pet peeves concerns the breeding of exotic animals with domestics to produce new exotic breeds. About twelve years ago I wrote an article on feline hybrids and still get hate mail from breeders on this issue.

This article on Bengals, a breed of cat that evolved crossing domestic cats with the Asian leopard cat crossed my desk recently. Read my commentary of feline breeding between domestic felines with exotic species to get a non-breeder’s view on the issue. Also, take a gander at the wolf-dog article I wrote while you are at it.

While on the topic of wildlife and pets I need to post this article on urban coyotes. Most people are a bit naive about the risk to pets within the city limits. Here on the edge of the wilderness the risk varies according to prey populations and draught.