Archives for 2006

Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter) Killed by Stingray

I received an early morning email regarding the death of Steve Irwin, better known as the Crocodile Hunter. Condolences to the family over this tragedy. I’ve included some links below if you would like to read more or send your sentiments to Terri.

My hope is that the lesson of this untimely loss ultimately becomes an illustration that working with wild animals is always risky. Unfortunately, this one had deadly consequences.

Over the years I have lost friends and colleagues from animal attacks and witnessed more than my share of animal incidents. It is a numbers game in many cases. I don’t want to comment more on this at this time but you can find previous comments at

Read the article and post condolences here.

The Daily Breeze Article about Steve Irwin

Australian Sentiments & Photo Gallery of Steve Irwin

Australian Story on Death of Crocodile Hunter

South African Star Reports on Crocodile Hunter’s Death

Crocodile Hunter Article

Here is a link to all the google news items on the death of Steve Irwin.

Books for Animal Lovers

Sorry I have not posted too much lately–I’ve been a bit busy. Today I found a few books I thought you might find interesting. I just wonder why it took me so long to discovery these book gems for any animal lover.