Archives for 2006

More Animal Attack Videos

Suddenly I am receiving notice about a bunch of animal attack videos online. I put them here so people get a realistic view of what a wild animal can do. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of dog attack videos showing up.

The common theme of these attack videos is that people are doing stupid things thinking animals will not attack them.

In this video hunters are disturbing a breeding lion…

In this lion attack video yet another zoo visitor climbs into a wild animal enclosure and gets attacked.

This elephant attack video shows the humans leaving their vehicle after the last elephant, alerted and uncomfortable, takes a look at them. They then discover the elephant is heading back toward them as they amble to where the animals crossed the road.

This disturbing zoo lion attack may be the one that I shared with you not too long ago. The elderly keeper was attacked and killed (I believe). It is disturbing so be prepared if you view it. The site it is housed on has adult dating links so I suggest you actually place this url into your media view for viewing:

Homosexuality in animals?

I find the debate about homosexuality in animals a bit misleading. Animals do not have the sexual hangups humans do. Bonobo’s (a type of chimpanzee) are highly sexual and use the activity for a variety of things such as reconciliation.

Domestic canines will hump objects in ritual domination as do other animals…including females. So, the premise may get some good coverage but to label activities as conclusively homosexual is a diservice to the animal behavior field.